Tag Archives: radio x


radia season 40 – show #677 (radio x) – RESOUNDING BANGALORE (RE) by GABI SCHAFFNER
– playing from march 19 to march 25, 2018 –


“Sounds in India are strangely alive! For me, they form autonomous entities: a bell resounding through layers of different memories, the swish of a broom dusting flights of cerebral chambers, a train travelling beyond the boundaries of one’s own biography. ‘Resounding Bangalore’ is a journey in itself and an invitation to cherish an indigenous sound world played back through the ears of a “stranger”…… with no constraints to timelines and topographies.

‘Resounding Bangalore’ was composed on the occasion of an epigynous radio art performance in India, when I was staying there within the frame of the Goethe Institute’s BangaloREsidency in collaboration with the arts and media collective maraa. This radia edit is a slightly extended version of it.”

[Gabi Schaffner)

RE = RADIA EDIT = This piece is a special pre-edit for radia by raw audio.

is an interdisciplinary sound artist, curator, writer and photographer based in Berlin.
Travelling forms a vital part of her work – as a source for sound and language recordings but also as ‘a rite of passage’ enabling the artist to explore alternative narrative structures. Her works in the field of radio art have been broadcast internationally, including commissions for Deutschlandradio, SWR, ABC Australia and many more. In 2012 and 2014, she staged in collaboration with Pit Schultz/reboot.fm a garden radio station in Berlin and in Giessen, Hessia, both featuring international as well as local artists and gardeners. Since 2011 she has been creating several shows for radia.fm.

Find out more about her projects at rawaudio.de and at www.datscharadio.de.

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: february 2018
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by-nc) GABI SCHAFFNER

great many thanks to GABI SCHAFFNER!

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Gabi Schaffner: rawaudio.dewww.schaffnerin.net

(c) Gabi Schaffner

Show 646: 3¦×Fń–Qé3 = Mià† by Igor Stromajer for radio x

radia season 39 – show #646 (radio x) – 3¦×Fń–Qé3 = Mià† by IGOR ŠTROMAJER
– playing from august 14 to august 20, 2017 –

3¦×Fń–Qé3 = Mià†

15 text-to-speech computer-read poems in German, English, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, and Italian language.

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is a pseudo-/para-artist researching tactical emotions, intimate guerrilla, and traumatic low-tech communication strategies. Štromajer exhibits worldwide, his works form part of the permanent collections of several museums and galleries, among them Le Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Museo Nacional Reina Sofía in Madrid. He lives between Frankfurt am Main and Ljubljana.

Find out more about his projects at www.intima.org.

3¦×Fń–Qé3 = Mià†
radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: july 2017
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by) IGOR ŠTROMAJER

great many thanks to IGOR ŠTROMAJER as well as all the software and hardware involved (code is poetry, indeed)!

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Igor Štromajer: www.intima.org


Show 618: LANDUNTER by LASSE-MARC RIEK (radio x)

radia season 38 – show #618 (radio x) – LANDUNTER by LASSE-MARC RIEK
– playing from january 30 to february 5, 2017 –

Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years, / Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe /
Are brackish with the salt of human tears! / Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
Claspest the limits of mortality, /
And sick of prey, yet howling on for more, / Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore; /
Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm, /
Who shall put forth on thee, /
Unfathomable Sea?

[Percy Bhysse Shelley: Time. From: “Posthumous Poems”, Ed. by Mary Shelley, 1824]

LANDUNTER, two words merged into one: “Land unter!”, “Land submerged”. The howling winds are announcing a storm. Its ravenous anger will stir up the sea; waves raising high, hitting the coast, covering the land. “Land unter!” Sure, they’ve taken measures to break the forces, and for some decades, at least it would seem so, with reasonable success. However, in the meantime – sick of prey, yet howling for more – they forgot about other measures that should have been taken, so the winds became stronger and the waters rose. And the waves are singing. Sooner or later the island will be literally gnawed down and eaten up by the winds and the sea and sink forever in the ocean of time.

The sounds of LANDUNTER have been, in major parts, recorded on Helgoland. No known connection between the poet and the island. Except perhaps that after decades of being a sport of desires handed back and forth between different nations Hel(i)goland went from Denmark to Britain in the very year when Percy Bhysse Shelley left his pregnant wife for Mary Wollstonecraft – but that’s of course another story. Just as the fact he later would himself drown in another sea, terrible in storm – in a custom made boat about which Mary would later say it had never been seaworthy. As so many boats sinking there these days, but under considerably different conditions. Ah, a propos the inhospitable shores of national interests: did you know that Hoffmann von Fallersleben (no blame on him, seriously) wrote “Das Lied der Deutschen” during a stay on the island that was at that time, in 1841, of course still British?

The sinking island probably does not care about its nationality. However, while storms are still a natural force, their increasing strength in many parts of this world can be well considered as a result of national(ist) politics, and their liaisons dangereuses with global player economies. These are not as unsearchable as the unfathomable sea. But that’s again another story. We will see later.
Let us listen first.

is an artist mainly working in the field of sound art, acoustic ecology and related interdisciplinary research, including cooperations with other artists as well as scientist. He is also the co-founder of GRUENREKORDER, an outstanding label for phonography, sound art and field recordings.
Find out more about his projects at www.lasse-marc-riek.de
and about GRUENREKORDER at www.gruenrekorder.de

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: january 2017
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by-nc) LASSE-MARC RIEK

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.de – www.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.info – www.gunst.info/radiator
LASSE-MARC RIEK: www.lasse-marc-riek.de – www.gruenrekorder.de



radia season 37 – show #592 (radio x) – THE JOURNEY OF THE EARTHWORM (RR) by GABI SCHAFFNER
– playing from august 1 to august 7, 2016 –


The earthworm travels on radio frequencies, earthy hacks and conglomerates of audio matter. S/he passes through mosquito clouds (yes, this earthworm can fly!), bird songs, thunderstorms, attends a Finnish summer theatre show, listens to a boy and his mother singing, visits the acoustic remnants of a German garden show, finds happiness in the ringing of porcelain bells and, finally, merges into silence and is gone.

Voices by:
Teuri Haarla, on occasion of his exhibition at Galerie Hilbertraum, January 16, 2016, Berlin, Germany – Unknown but stunningly convincing actors of a “kesäteatteri” in Mid Finland, 2010 – Gibrain and Virpi Nurmi in their garden in Gießen, Germany, 2014.
Teuri Haarla is a Finnish self-taught artist who works with drawings, performance and architecture. For his performances he goes into a state he calls “bio drunk”. He also built the “Plantheon” tower, 17 metres high and based on the geometry of nature.
During the opening we had a talk in which he explained some of this work and philosophy. Find out more at biodrunk.com

Field recordings by raw audio/Gabi Schaffner with snippets and remixes taken from:
momoscas1 by galeko, freesound.org – vartioh__loud-transmissions, freesound.org – spectrm__radio-interference, freesound.org – noisecollector__magnetorcradio, freesound.org – singing saw “fake birds” by Mimosa Pale, Berlin, Germany, 2011 – guitar in “Birdcage” and flute improvisation by FX Schroeder, Hamburg, Germany 2011 – kompost20140711_2047.0.25s, programmed by Pit Schultz, 2014.

RR = RADIA RAW = This piece is a special pre-edit for radia by raw audio.


is an interdisciplinary sound artist, curator, writer and photographer based in Berlin.
Travelling forms a vital part of her work – as a source for sound and language recordings but also as “a rite of passage” enabling the artist to explore alternative narrative structures. Her works in the field of radio art have been broadcast internationally, including commissions for Deutschlandradio, SWR, ABC Australia and many more. In 2012 and 2014, she staged in collaboration with Pit Schultz/reboot.fm a garden radio station in Berlin and in Giessen, Hessia, both featuring international as well as local artists and gardeners. Since 2011 she has been creating several shows for radia.fm. .

Find out more about her projects at rawaudio.de and at www.datscharadio.de.


radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: july 2016
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by-nc) GABI SCHAFFNER

great many thanks to GABI SCHAFFNER
and to all artists and sound collectors who contributed to the journey of the earthworm!


additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Gabi Schaffner: rawaudio.dewww.schaffnerin.net

(c) Gabi Schaffner




radia season 36 – show #566 (radio x) – TO THE LIMIT OF ENDURANCE by GABI SCHAFFNER
– playing from february 1 to february 7, 2016 –


He was a slender man of average height in his 60s, adressing the Lido with his back turned to the city. At first, there was noone around listening, eventually, later, some passer-bys stopped… just like me. He never turned around, he didn’t even cast a glance at his listeners. I had the most awful stomach cramps from having eaten something I shouldn’t, my forehead was covered in sweat from pain – but I held the recorder… just so.

TO THE LIMIT OF ENDURANCE assembles field recordings from Venice, Italy. Snippets of a gondola race, excerpts from church mass, voices and choices of the Biennale and a memorable poetry reading are combined into a collage that is dedicated to the power and beauty of languages, both spoken and lost. Dear unknown poet, thank you for your words.
Additional musical support: Trumpet improvisation by Claudio Comandini, recorded in Wedding, Berlin.
Field recordings, editing and mix: Gabi Schaffner/raw audio recordings 2015/2016

is an audio artist, writer and photographer based in berlin and travelling everywhere to collect sounds, images and imaginations. Her works in the field of radio art have been broadcasted by many international radio stations, including commissions for Deutschlandradio, WDR, HR and many more. Plus, over the past years she has created several pieces for radia.fm. She is also a passionate radio gardener (www.datscharadio.de).

Find out more about her projects at rawaudio.de and at www.schaffnerin.net


radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: january 2016
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by-nc) GABI SCHAFFNER

great many thanks to GABI SCHAFFNER
plus special thanks to Claudio Commandini for his trumpet solo!

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Gabi Schaffner: rawaudio.dewww.schaffnerin.net

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)


Show 541: REM(A)INDERS by DIANA WESSER & VERENA KUNI for radio x


radia season 35 – show #541 (radio x) – REM(A)INDERS (a|r)
– playing from august 10 to august 16, 2015 –


What remains?
Traces in the dust of time.
That do not vanish.
Setting against obliteration.
Resistant against oblivion.
What is keeping them?
What do they keep?

REM(A)INDERS is a series of media(ted) reflection on situations and configurations of present absence. The piece for radia.fm, REM(A)INDERS (a|r), is an extended audio|radio version of a video lecture originally prepared for the conference "Lernen, mit Gespenstern zu leben" ("Learn to Live with Ghosts"), Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main (DE), Oct 31-Nov2, 2013.
The core audio sequence of the original piece has been framed by two fragments of another piece by Diana Wesser, based on audio material collected as part of the PALAOA (PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean) project by the research ship "Polarstern" of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI).

Concept: Diana Wesser & Verena Kuni
Audio: Diana Wesser
Text & voice: Verena Kuni
Sound editing: Jürgen Häberer

is a performer and media artist based in Leipzig (DE). Her performative walks and maps, audio walks and participatory & collaboratory projects invite to playfully use places other then intended and to use all senses to create body knowledge about everyday places. In analysing the rhythms and routines by which people negotiate space, define and produce everyday spaces, her practice investigates how we can rethink the power of the built environment within social, political, economic and emotional infrastructures.
Find out more about her projects at www.dianawesser.de

is a scholar, lecturer and writer in art and media theory and professor for visual culture at the Goethe University, Frankfurt Main. Her curatorial work is dedicated to interdisciplinary projects and programs at the intersections of theory and practice. Since 1997 she is regularly on air with her own art radio show (GUNST) at radio x (DE), where she is also responsible for the cooperation with radia.fm art radio network.
Find out more about her projects at www.kuniver.se


Great many thanks to the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) for generously sharing the precious sounds collected by the PALAOA (PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean) under a creative commons license (cc-by-3.0) and to Jürgen Häberer for the sound editing of both the original pieces!

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: july 2015
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by-nc) DIANA WESSER & VERENA KUNI

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Diana Wesser: www.dianawesser.de
Verena Kuni: www.kuniver.se
Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI): www.awi.de

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)


Show 515: SAVUSAUNA by LASSE-MARC RIEK for radio x

radia season 34 – show #515 (radio x) – SAVUSAUNA
– playing from february 9 to february 15, 2015 –


As a substantial part of Finnish life and culture, sauna has a considerably long tradition in Finland. Savusauna, the smoke sauna, is the eldest technique of preparing a sauna bath. In contrast to more recent sauna baths, no chimney is needed. A big fire is prepared and kept over hours under constant temperature – not to low, but also not too hot, to produce smoke. The smoke is filling and thus heating the sauna room. When the room is hot enough, small windows are opened to let the smoke escape and the sauna bath can begin.
Have you ever enjoyed a savusauna? You should. Lasse-Marc Rieks piece invites you to join a savusauna bath by listening. It’s really worth a try.

While Lasse-Marc Riek, being a specialist for field recordings, would for sure have been able to provide extra material to capture the atmosphere around the savusauna as well, we did not ask for that. His piece is complete in its on rights, celebrating the Finnish sauna culture of the everyday. At the same time, when it comes to sauna bath: how can we translate this experience into sound? Obviously, for several reasons this seems to be an almost impossible task. Or, to be more precise: what we might consider as the most natural translation would be always the most artificial part. For we’d loose track of what we are missing, what can’t be captured with the means of recording, due to the fact that the core experience is fuelled by substances that can’t be kept: smoke, heat, steam, sweat.

So we chose for our acoustic framework a good mixture of field recordings – some of which are so concrete that they might remind you of Foley sounds, the kind of sounds that are created for exactly this very kind of purpose: a substitute that may feel more real than the real one would. But is this really true? You’ll be able to find out anyway. But then we also have to be complete with our credits (see below), thus it is not really necessary to try. Yet, why not stop reading here. Listen by yourself first. And check the data later. It’s really worth a try…

is an artist mainly working in the field of sound art, acoustic ecology and related interdisciplinary research, including cooperations with other artists as well
as scientist. He is also the co-founder of GRUENREKORDER, an outstanding label for phonography, sound art and field recordings. Over the past years he has been travelling north more but once, often returning with field recordings from the frozen world.
This winter he has spent some weeks in Finnland. And as it went to be quite cold outside he regularly enjoyed the savusauna.

Find out more about his projects at www.lasse-marc-riek.de
and about GRUENREKORDER at www.gruenrekorder.de

great many thanks to LASSE-MARC RIEK for SAVUSAUNA! Moreover, special thanks to morosopher, gutek and muf211 for generously contributing their snow recordings, uploading them to freesound.org and donating them to the public domain!

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: january 2015
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (c) Lasse-Marc Riek

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)
intro credits: melting snow (2012) by muf211, snow effects (2013) by morosopher and snow removing (2013) by gutek, all donated to the public domain, on freesound.org

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
LASSE-MARC RIEK: www.lasse-marc-riek.dewww.gruenrekorder.de

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)

Show 491: FROM CHINA by BUTTERLAND for radio x

radia season 33 – show #491 (radio x) – FROM CHINA
– playing from august 25 to august 31, 2014 –


An acoustic field trip through China and Chinese childhood.

FROM CHINA features Butterland’s radioplay “Childhood Stories”:

“Childhood Stories is an art project with sociological approach: it composes narrations of individuals about their childhood in order to create an authentic image of the social environment they grew up in. Therefore we gather material about childhood in a specific country by using a questionnaire. The answers are anonymized, translated and used as literary material, they are condensed or cut up, then arranged in a dramatic text – that’s Regina’s part. Christian composes the music using field recordings from the respective country. The result is an artistic documentary in form of an audio drama.
Childhood Stories China 2012 gives insight in the 1980s and 1990s in China’s urban middle class.” [R.D./C.M.]

Field recordings / montage / realisation: Christian Müller
Translations / script / female voice: Regina Dürig
Male voice: Miro Caltagirone

Butterland’s project “Childhood Stories” encompasses so far a radioplay in two different versions (German and English), a CD edition (published by edition fästing plockare in summer 2013), and a multi-channel installation (2013).
The German version of the radioplay “Childhood Stories China” has been awarded with jury’s prize in the category “Experimentelles” at the SonOhr Hörfestival 2014 in Bern, and it has been broadcasted by SWR2 in January 2014.
The radia edit FROM CHINA is based on the English version of the radioplay and comes with a special extra part based on field recordings from China.

is the Switzerland based duo Regina Dürig and Christian Müller. Butterland works in the field of story and sound, their poetical and sculptural pieces seek an equal relation between music and literature, a mutual approach to narration and reduction. Christian Müller works as improvising electronic-musician, electro-acoustic bass-clarinettist and composer with a conceptual approach. Regina Dürig writes prose, prose miniatures and texts for music:
Find out more about their projects at www.butterland.ch

great many thanks to Butterland aka Regina Dürig and christian Müller for FROM CHINA!
the pictures are based on chinese fan art – more precisely: on photographs of ancient painted fans from china, “Landscape” by Dong Qichang (ca. 1590-1600, upside), “Landscape” by Jiu Jue aka Liu Jue (1438, middle) and “Landscape” by Li Liufang (1624, bottom), all of them today located in the Honolulu Museum of Art and their pictures graciously uploaded by the museum to Wikimedia Commons and credited to the PD.

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: august 2014
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (c) Butterland Regina Dürig & Christian Müller

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Butterland: www.butterland.ch

Show 443: RANDOM TIME RADIO TIME for radio x

radia season 31 – show #443 (radio x) – RANDOM TIME RADIO TIME
– playing from september 23 to september 29, 2013 –


time. measure, number and rule. rhythm and beat. synchronization. but what if clocks run differently? if they get out of synch, stop, get rid of the regime of time zones, world time, standard time? what time do they show? and how will those come together, who – knowingly or not – set their time according to them? is it possible that in the end chance provides the only key to synchronize these times from time to time?

RANDOM TIME RADIO examines this complex and at the same time adopts it. its starting point is an on-site research, locating clocks and other timers that are not or not anymore in synch with standard time. together with further time pieces and timers they feed into and become part of an alternate clockwork which in turn uses the medium of radio to the listeners to allow temporary synchronizations with alternate times.
RANDOM TIME RADIO is a temporary mechanism of the TIME BENDING CLOCK, installed for a measured time in halle as part of the ADDICTED2RANDOM radio art festival.

RANDOM TIME RADIO TIME is based on a live radio performance staged at the händelhaus in the festival’s open glasshouse studio, the audible parts being broadcasted in real time by radio corax. while certain elements of the clockwork were set with an archive consisting of compositions inspired by principles of time and/or random as well as various recordings of clocks, the mechanism itself was directed by random and time. there were six channels running in an autonomous random mode, playing each piece full time – but inaudible both for the public and the performer. the signal to switch into listening mode was delegated to special dice (six for the hours, six for the minutes, and six for the seconds), thrown from time to time to insert random time. additionally, during the whole time of the performance astandard mechanical clocks were transformed into (un)clocks.

it is said the original performance lasted for 2 hrs and 20 minutes standard time, which was a pre-set timeslot within the festival. the time frame of radia pieces is 28 minutes standard time. seems like radio has a great potential to become a mechanism of RANDOM TIME. at the same time it is still ruled by standard time. but then what about the sounds set free? listen. listen closely: what time is it? what time is yours? if we all do pass anyway: would you pass it to random? you still have the choice.

TBC RADIO is radio on time.
since summer 2010, TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO is one of the active mechanisms of the TIME BENDING CLOCK, a research project and tool looking at alternate theories and practices of measuring time, operating at the intersections of art, media, cultural history and the history of science.
find out more about the TIME BENDING CLOCK by visiting the TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK at

[*for the radia edit | set up with reduced number of channels and timepieces | pieces from silent channels included in the list]
TBC radio/V.K. wishes to thank the following artists, composers and sound collectors
aeternium (experiments in random – digitalbiotope – 2008 – cc-by-nc-sa) – aethyrphlux (womb – bivouac music – 2005) – gridline (filling the emptiness – bumpfoot – foot143 – 2010 – cc-by-nc-sa) – god generator (random walk – dadaist audio – dada166 – 2008 – cc-by) – his namelessness is legion (a stasis in five movements – mahorka – mhrk082 – 2012) – impset (light – timetheory – tmth002 – 2007 – cc-by-nc-sa) – jmmiii (crystal field theory – timetheory – tmth00f – 2008 – cc-by-nc-sa) – jon7 (time – timetheory – thth13 – 2008 – cc-by-nc-sa) – kronofage – antiparticles – tmth001 – 2008 – cc-by-nc-sa) – restive (M1608 world of mysterious intent and arcane sicgnificance – time theory- tmth01B – 2007 – cc-by-nc-sa);
bansemer, ecfike/Ezra C. Fike, fabe, freed, daveincamas & digifish, dobroide, klankbeeld, M-RED, morgantj/Travis Morgan, offthesky for their clock sounds and for sharing them on freesound.org;
freesound.org for being such a generous host and wonderful source for sound recordings licensed for the creative commons;
as well as the addicted2random festival team, especially helen hahmann, ralf wendt, georg wellbrock, knut aufermann, and radio corax halle.

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: july (live performance) & september (radia edit) 2013
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: cc-by-nc-sa miss.gunst/verena kuni + radiator x

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
ADDICTED2RANDOM radio art festival halle 2013: a2r.radiocorax.de
TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK: www.under-construction.cc/tbcw

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)


radia season 30 – show #418 (radio x) – FUER GIESELA
– playing from april 1 to april 7, 2013 –


listen. closely. fall in love with the ants hurrying over the ground. the wind. and the rain. the sounds. and their own music. that is everywhere. full of memories. of the past. of the present. and the future.
yes: this is a love song. perhaps not the one you’ve expected. but then: listen. again. closely. to the sounds. and their own music. that is everywhere.

and giesela? who knows. she might be out there. im gruenen. les hommes n’en sauront rien…

is an artist mainly working in the field of sound art, acoustic ecology and related interdisciplinary research, including cooperations with other artists as well
as scientist. He is also the co-founder of GRUENREKORDER, an outstanding label for phonography, sound art and field recordings.
Find out more about his projects at www.lasse-marc-riek.de
and about GRUENREKORDER at www.gruenrekorder.de

great many thanks to LASSE-MARC RIEK for FUER GIESELA!

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: march 2013
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: cc-by-nc-nd Lasse-Marc Riek + radiator x
www.radiox.de – www.gunst.info – www.lasse-marc-riek.de

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.de – www.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.info – www.gunst.info/radiator
LASSE-MARC RIEK: www.lasse-marc-riek.de – www.gruenrekorder.de

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)