
First of all thank you for your interest in the Radia network. Here you will find the information of how to propose an idea for a Radia show.

All Radia shows are commissioned by our member stations. To get your idea to the right person it is best to send an email with your Radia contribution proposal to one of the individual member stations. Pick one that is closest to you or that you like best.

To avoid disappointment please make sure that your idea fits within the Radia framework:
• Radia shows are first and foremost produced to be broadcast by the network members, with subsequent public archiving
• Radia shows are 28 minutes long and published under a creative commons license

Twice a year we offer a “guest slot” where a radio station, project or group (or at times an individual artist) can try out what it is like to be a member of the network by producing a single show. If you think this might be for you get in touch with us at
contact _at_ radia _dot_ fm

In contrast to most of our member stations who are non-profit organisations, Radia is an informal network, and therefore we unfortunately cannot offer letters of support for funding applications.