Tag Archives: Radio Campus

Show 1011 – The revolution will not be digitalized (Radio Campus)

The tenth of may 2024 – Bodensee, a lake that seperates Germany from Switzerland. Above the dark and still waters, the majestuaous aurora borealis is visible in all it’s splendour. At the shoreline of the same lake, just a few hours before the electromagnetic solar storm carressed the earth, sound artists Gérald Wang and Sebastian Dingens gave the workshop The Revolution will not be digitalised, in which they returned to the roots of radio; analog technologie, live creation and electromagnetic communication.

In retrospect, the program sounds almost as a forecast of the upcoming events; With the use of any analog tools, we will explore the possibilities of the analog world, to make creative radio. From tape to vinyl, analog wireless transmission and echos from space. We will develop a setup, to perform together in a radio show. 25 radiopeople, professionals and amateurs, particpated. What you are about to hear is the almost intact registration of the final presentation, recorded on tape.

The revolution will not be digitalized – Learn how not to use a computer for making creative radio In this world, computers are everywhere.
It’s becoming very simple to broadcast from anywhere, using the tool everyone have in the pocket. But what if we try something else? With the use of any analog tools, we will enjoy the possibilities that offer the analog world to make creative radio. From tape to vinyl, to analog wireless transmission and echo from space. We will develop a setup, to perform together in a radio show.

Curation : Carine Demange for Radio Campus Bruxelles

Show 988: “Sheela-Na-Gig” by Carine Demange For Radio Campus Bruxelles

SHEELA-NA-GIG is an improvised and multiplied encounter on the banks of the Meavy river. An attempt to let the invisible invite itself and take its place in our daily practices.

Welcome to Dartmoor’s hidden rain forest, in the wooded valley of Dewerstone (Devon, England), inhabited by mossy rivers and welcoming faeries, tangled oaks and beech fruits, talking stones and spying sheeps, pagan radio fellows and Mabon cooking voices.

A idea from : Carine Demange, Gihan Marasingha, Kerry Priest & Maggi Shade
Editing : Carine Demange (Radio Campus Bruxelles)

With gratitude for the good vibes and voices of :
Alice Armstrong, Anne-Marie Bala, Premal Bhatt, George Brock, Stuart Crewes, Pauline Day, Hannah Drayson, Cat Guy, Lucinda Guy, Jess Langton, Sarah Lawrence, Mark Peacock, Roshani Ramass, the Meavy river, the sources of Plym and all Dartmoor energies and invisible inhabitants.

This creation is a collective work done in two days and broadcasted on ACCESS FM on the 17th of september 2023.
A collective radio piece produced during Dartmoor radio residential with Stellaria Media and supported by FUTURES on air project. Many thanks to them and to Soundart Radio.

Show 963 : “Between Me And You” from Katharina Smets (for Radio Campus Bruxelles)

Between Me And You

In this audio-essay, Katharina Smets illustrates her journey from an autobiographical narrator to an invisible director and back again. She is looking for an open and transformative dialogue between the ‘I’ of the maker and the ‘You’ of the interviewee, between the final work and the listener.

The essay is based on Katharina’s PhD research to the attitude of the audio documentary maker.

Links to more of her work:

A piece by Dr. Katharina Smets
Music: Inne Eysermans
Voices: Writer, John Biewen, Jonathan Goldstein, Kaitlin Prest,
Rikke Houd, Barbara Wazgird, Jerome Lemenu.
Illustration: Randall Casaer

Curation: Carine Demange for Radio Campus Bruxelles

Show 938: “Everything has changed already” by Isa Stragliati (for Radio Campus Bruxelles)

Everything has changed already
A radio piece by Isa Stragliati

A close friend sent me a voicemail from afar during a difficult time. Improvised vinyl mix with music and sounds by Fripp & Eno, Multer, Reznicek, Pierre Henry, C-Schultz & Hajsch, Bergen, Institut Für Feinmotorik, Reuber, Eliane Radigue & more

Artistic support and curation for Radio Campus Bruxelles : Carine Demange

All my love and gratitude to Paulo Dantas

Isa Stragliati is sound artist, radio producer, composer and dj. Coming from the visual arts, she turned to the sound medium in 2002 through DJing, as an extension of her approach of the film editing (under the moniker Rescue). She then practiced numerous aspects of radio production before reconciling it with her creative work.
Her productions and live performances, involving field recording as much as documentary, concrete music or techno, are broadcasted on international networks and national radios, during international festivals and events and in contemporary art centres.
Her radio piece “Le feu qui ne s’arrête jamais” (The fire that never stops) won first prize in the international competition 60 Seconds Radio in 2019.

Show 911 : RADIO TOUT-LE-TEMPS by BNA-BBOT, for Radio Campus Bruxelles


On February 24, 2022, the Brussels organization BNA-BBOT launched a new sound platform including, in addition to a set of artistic projects carried out on the territory of the city, a Database, a Sound Map and a Radio: Radio tout-le-temps. Radio tout-le-temps is a webradio that broadcast continuously random fragments of BNA-BBOT’s database, but can also be programmed or curated in a more specific way. It is an open platform in which citizens, artists and organisations can participate. Our database contains 26,000 sound fragments. No one has ever listened to the entire collection it houses. To listen to it all, an individual would have to devote 1,458 hours to it, or approximately 61 days and nights, without interruption. radio tout-le-temps offers this sound collection a place for sharing and spontaneous narratives, created from the random linking of isolated stories, which then form a new narrative. 



Show 886 : “Rituel radioactif de désenvoûtement de la finance” by Laboratoire sauvage de recherches expérimentales Désorceler la Finance – Radio Campus Bruxelles

Le Rituel radioactif de désenvoûtement de la finance is a radio performance halfway between a magical ritual and an act of resistance.

It engages the metamorphosis of our relationship to capitalist power. The audience, the listeners, are invited to cut the link we have with this power to free ourselves from its hold on our lives.

This rite of passage gives rise to a real and living collective, capable of resisting the stupefaction of disasters, and of making something new.
The health, economic, social and environmental crisis has exacerbated financial imbalances, inequalities and the dysfunction of the dominant mode of production. It has underlined the way in which our rights are flouted. It has shown that what is most important, what we value most, starting with our health and that of our loved ones, is worth no more than an accounting line: apart from applause, little or nothing has been done to change the health system, and commodification continues.
It is time to get rid of vertical management and austerity policies; it is time to get out of the emergency, out of the reign of experts, and to facilitate the appropriation by the population of the problems it encounters; to share our knowledge, our resources, our common actions.

The Radioactive Ritual of Unblinding of Finance relies on collective intelligence, opens up imaginations and gives us the power to bring forth alternatives to power and the economy. This radio piece was made on October 15th, at dusk, we unblessed ourselves from the sorcerous power of finance on our health, on the health professions.

By the Laboratoire sauvage de recherches expérimentales Désorceler la finance
With : Théo Bourgeron – Brune Campos – Aline Fares – Amandine Faugère – Maxime Lacôme – Arthur Lacomme – Camille Lamy – Vincent Matyn – Emmanuelle Nizou – Fabrice Sabatier – Emilie Siaut – Suzie Suptille

Language : French only

Curation for Radio Campus Bruxelles : Carine Demange & Jonathan Frigeri

Show 861: Change de FA(r)CE by Mathilde Lacroix for Radio Campus Bruxelles

Stop/Play. Change de fréquences… !

Pile ou face ? Et si on jouait à ça pour changer nos perceptions du monde ? Et si on capturait l’extérieur, on le transformait et on le réécoutait un peu plus à notre oreille, depuis l’intérieur ? Je suis sûre que mon bébé serait tout heureux…

C’est ça le secret de la « Fermentation authentique », garantie «depuis des générations» !
On a un autre secret : « On a du pain sur la planche ! »

Encore une dernière chose et après Stop/Play :
………« Ecoute……. »

Mathilde Lacroix est basée à Bruxelles. Après des études de traduction et de documentaire sonore, elle étudie la musique électroacoustique.
Elle explore les paysages mentaux et physiques, vivants et abandonnés, qui ouvrent à d’autres manières de percevoir et ressentir le monde. Elle s’intéresse à la transformation, aux matières à pétrir, organiques, à la (dé)composition des sons, des mots, des hasards. Concrètes ou abstraites, avec des instruments acoustiques ou virtuelles, dans l’air ou ailleurs, ces matières cherchent à s’émanciper d’une forme définie et à trouver une poésie entre les formes.
Elle collabore régulièrement avec la photographe belge Nathalie Hannecart et l’artiste Aurélie Bay pour explorer trois regards, trois formes, trois joyeuses combinaisons (Les terribles ténébres). Elles ont également exploré la thématique des traces et de l’érosion à travers l’industrie minière et sidérurgique, aux côtés de la graveuse Weronika Siupka (
Kierunek Gruba). Elle a accompagné musicalement le film de Miléna Trivier « Le Murmure des lieux qui nous habitent », et a collaboré à plusieurs reprises avec Maxime Coton, en questionnant la place de la poésie dans la mixité des formes. A travers le projet Living Pages, elle a fait la rencontre du peintre Jamil Mehdaoui.

Création sonore : Mathilde Lacroix
Compositions sacrées : Camille Lacroix
Avec la voix de Franck Seng, comme Youtubeur pétrisseur.
Avec la complicité et le jeu de Shakira & Beyoncé, les chat.x, et le soutien de Xiri Tara Noir dans cette lente fermentation.
Merci à Carine Demange pour son invitation, son écoute et ses bons échanges.

Stop/Play. Change frequencies, change your mind !

Aids of tails ? What about playing this to change perceptions of the world ? What about record outside, transform it and ear it more confortable from inside, with a new perception ? My baby would be very happy.

This is the secret of authentic fermentation, guaranteed since several generations !

We also have an other secret : We have a lot to do. In french, we say :
« We have a lot of bread to cook ».

Last thing before to really Stop/Play :

…………….« Listen…. »

Mathilde Lacroix is staying in Brussels. After learning translation and sound documentary, she’s studying electroacoustic music.
She’s exploring mental and physical soundscapes, alive or deserted, and try to open other perceptions to feel the world, and translate it with combinaison of poetical forms. She likes transformation, kneading and organical matter. She likes to decompose sounds, words, coincidences. Concret or abstract, with acoustic or virtual instruments, in the air or somewhere else, there is not permanent definition.
She collaborates with photograph Nathalie Hannecart and Aurélie Bay to explore three regards, three forms, three happy combinaisons (Les terribles ténébres). They also worked with engraver Weronika Siupka on the thematic of coal and steel industry. She also composed soundstrack of Miléna Trivier ‘s movie « Le Murmure des lieux qui nous habitent », and collaborates several times with Maxime Coton, exploring the place/space of poetry mixing different forms. Through project Living Pages, she meets of pinter Jamil Mehdaoui.

Sound creation : Mathilde Lacroix
Sacral compositions : Camille Lacroix
With the voice of Franck Seng as youtuber carrying kneading.
With the complicity and actoring of Shakira & Beyoncé, and the support of Xiri Tara Noir in this long fermentation.
Thanks to Carine Demange to invite me in Radia, for her good listening and exchanges.

Show 833 : Porte à Porte Sonore by J. Frigeri & M. Lacôme for Radio Campus Bruxelles

Un projet radiophonique documentaire et musical. La composition musicale a été entièrement créée à partir de sons domestiques collectés chez les habitants du quartier qui ont ouvert leur porte pour nous faire partager leur son de prédilection, favori ou redouté.

Cette approche vise à mettre en relation les sons de l’espace intime et la potentielle musicalité qui en découle. A l’issue de la collecte, les sons sont agencés pour créer une composition musicale qui sera réintroduite à l’intérieur des foyers par le biais des ondes radios. Ces sons intimes sont devenus, le temps d’une émission, une ouvre sonore collective. Porte à porte sonore, des sons collectés dans les maisons du quartier du Chant d’oiseau à Bruxelles.

Jonathan Frigeri & Maxime Lacôme

Show 808: From the Bedroom to the Pond – Anne Versailles (Radio Campus Bruxelles)

This sound piece is created with sounds recorded on the roads of Belgium, the Alps and Lapland.

« Walking is the best way to go slower », says the philosopher Frédéric Gros. We need to find slowness again, to anchor our feet into the ground, to feel its texture, to listen with our toes. At least this is the invitation launched by this sound piece, a geopoetic immersion, an invitation of the paths.

Anne Versailles is a Belgian artist, polymorphic, based in Brussels. She lives on the edge of the Forêt de Soignes which is her creative studio. She is a walker, a geopoeteer, a director and a sound designer. She works on the border between text, image and sound. By training, she is a biologist and has done her PhD on the selection of the lapwing’s nesting habitat (it’s a bird). In 2010, she crossed the Alps, from the Adriatic to the Mediterranean, in three months of autonomous walking (www.vialpe.be). Since then, her poetic work explores, between documentary and poetry, the slowness and the crossing of territories and landscapes.

Show 779: Zugunruhe by Amber Meulenijzer (Radio Campus Bruxelles)

ZUGUNRUHE (2016/reworked for Radia 2020)

copyright Esther Sla

Zugunruhe was originally conceived as an installation, a piece where the audience lies together on a large mattress and watches 27 stuffed birds fly in a large circle above their heads. A fiction soundcollage dealing with being lost, new horizons, too much clouds, magicians and birds on cruise control. For this reworked version, it is introduced by a nightly fieldrecording in Brussels. A single bird is singing, calling out into the night, confused and at the same time encouraged by street lights and city noises. 

Voices: Tibo Vandenborre, Elise Pierre, Sam Lowyck, Igor Paszkiewicz
Extra music: Mi_les Davis

Amber Meulenijzer (°1994) lives and works in Brussels. As a visual artist with an audio background (RITCS Radio, 2016 | KASK Installation Art 2019), she mainly investigates the relationship between image/installation and sound. Where do decor and soundscape meet?  What does the eye need in order to listen better? Beyond the silence.  

Curated by Carine Demange for Radio Campus Bruxelles