Show 887: “KINsequences, a sculpture that wants to get made”, by Writers Kin – Soundart Radio, Devon, UK

KINsequences is a collaborative piece of writing by Molly Allam, Sovay Berriman, Alan Braidford, Tara Casey, Rachael Coward, Joanne Dorothea-Smith, Claire Gladstone, Tina Kutter, Clementine Neild & Frances Staniforth. The text has been built by each participant writing in response to the person that has preceded them. It is both in the Surrealist tradition and a version of the parlour game known as ‘consequences’. Each writer can only see the previous participant’s contribution, with the whole only being revealed at the end. The text contains enough common threads to form a narrative arc but travels in unanticipated directions and represents a chorus of voices, both visually and through language. There are three acts; Act I: A Sculpture That Wants To Get Made, Act II: The Making, and Act III: The Viewing.

Writers’ KIN is a group of artists who regularly meet through CAMP, a member led support and professional development network for artists, curators, producers and arts writers living in Devon and Cornwall.
A group reading of KINsequences was performed from this co-created and illustrated text, recorded and produced by Shelley Hodgson at Soundart Radio.

Show 886 : “Rituel radioactif de désenvoûtement de la finance” by Laboratoire sauvage de recherches expérimentales Désorceler la Finance – Radio Campus Bruxelles

Le Rituel radioactif de désenvoûtement de la finance is a radio performance halfway between a magical ritual and an act of resistance.

It engages the metamorphosis of our relationship to capitalist power. The audience, the listeners, are invited to cut the link we have with this power to free ourselves from its hold on our lives.

This rite of passage gives rise to a real and living collective, capable of resisting the stupefaction of disasters, and of making something new.
The health, economic, social and environmental crisis has exacerbated financial imbalances, inequalities and the dysfunction of the dominant mode of production. It has underlined the way in which our rights are flouted. It has shown that what is most important, what we value most, starting with our health and that of our loved ones, is worth no more than an accounting line: apart from applause, little or nothing has been done to change the health system, and commodification continues.
It is time to get rid of vertical management and austerity policies; it is time to get out of the emergency, out of the reign of experts, and to facilitate the appropriation by the population of the problems it encounters; to share our knowledge, our resources, our common actions.

The Radioactive Ritual of Unblinding of Finance relies on collective intelligence, opens up imaginations and gives us the power to bring forth alternatives to power and the economy. This radio piece was made on October 15th, at dusk, we unblessed ourselves from the sorcerous power of finance on our health, on the health professions.

By the Laboratoire sauvage de recherches expérimentales Désorceler la finance
With : Théo Bourgeron – Brune Campos – Aline Fares – Amandine Faugère – Maxime Lacôme – Arthur Lacomme – Camille Lamy – Vincent Matyn – Emmanuelle Nizou – Fabrice Sabatier – Emilie Siaut – Suzie Suptille

Language : French only

Curation for Radio Campus Bruxelles : Carine Demange & Jonathan Frigeri

Show 885: 1336 et après… | François Wong (Radio Grenouille – Euphonia)

1336… et après ?
François Wong

« En 2010, les Fralib, ouvrier·es de Gémenos, ont lutté contre la fermeture de leur usine quand elle appartenait à la société multinationale Unilever. Le site, déclaré non rentable et sujet à une délocalisation en Pologne devait cesser son activité.
Unis, les Fralib ont lutté âprement durant 1336 jours – plus de 3 ans et demie –, physiquement et juridiquement, pour contrer cette fermeture et reprendre l’usine sous forme de coopérative. Ils gagneront en 2014. La SCOP est toujours sur pied à ce jour.

A partir d’un travail de terrain commencé en 2018 et mené sur le long terme, j’ai pu collecter des sons dans ce milieu industriel et tisser des relations serrées avec les personnes qui y travaillent. Leurs trajectoires sont venues construire un destin collectif singulier dans l’histoire industrielle.

En puisant dans ce terreau à forte intensité sonore, en menant des interviews de terrain, j’ai souhaité livrer une lecture personnelle d’une histoire ancrée dans la lutte et l’émancipation. »

Création au Festival Futura 2021, reprise à Longueur d’Ondes 2022.
Prochaine diffusion : 26 mars 2022, avec acousmonium in-situ dans l’usine (Biennale des Écritures du Réel), en partenariat avec Radio Grenouille. 

1336… and beyond?
François Wong

In 2010, the Fralib, workers of Gémenos, fought against the closure of their factory when it belonged to the multinational company Unilever. The site, declared unprofitable and subject to relocation to Poland, was to cease operations. United, the Fralib fought hard for 1336 days – more than three and a half years – physically and legally to counter this closure and take over the factory as a cooperative. They will win in 2014.
The SCOP is still on its feet to this day.

From a field work started in 2018 and conducted over the long term, I was able to collect sounds in this industrial environment and build close relationships with the people who work there. Their trajectories have come to build a singular collective destiny in industrial history.

By tapping into this high-intensity soil, by conducting field interviews, I wanted to give a personal reading of a history rooted in struggle and emancipation.

Premiered at the 2021 Futura Festival, retaken at Wavelength 2022.
Next broadcast: March 26, 2022, with acousmonium in-situ in the factory (Biennale des Écritures du Réel), in partnership with Radio Grenouille.

Show 884: Sound Creature from Cappaduff, by Slavek Kwi (Radio Zero)

I am listening in awe to surrounding environment. I wonder how I, as a human being, fit in? What is my place? How can “I” be an integral part of my environment by simply being “present”: here and 

now _ as an equal participant _ in the same way as weather, wildlife, any other occurring event. I am instinctively seeking a sense of balance, a feeling of harmonious belonging, a being-together. Connection. 

The music, the sounds, seems having magical ability – superpower – to tune effortlessly together, to collide in energetic harmony. Through intensive listening everything becomes alive, every subtle sound shivering in the air in tandem with my feeling of belonging. The music rises from an unknown and I am listening – speechless – in the core of creation itself:_: just listening to the primeval tone of my soul weaving into every moment, every other moment and another: perpetually changing _ adapting _ seeking for harmony _ seeking for that feeling I am attracted to: freedom … an opening of heart to the world – fearless: … 

I am using the immediate surrounding environment as interface for connecting with “the rest of the world”, call it “the reality” if you wish. I have impression when I am trying to tune myself to my immediate sound environment, it helps me to be more sensitive to every perceptible miniscule fluctuations and changes between tension in my body – the emotion and the environment. Sound is my portal: a place to dream of endless possibility, of  another future unfolding. A dream. Abstraction.

Conceived by Slavek Kwi / Artificial Memory Trace 

Slavek Kwi is a sound-artist, composer, adventurer and researcher interested in the phenomena of perception as the fundamental determinant of relations with reality. He has a long-standing fascination with sound-environments, developing what he terms ‘electro acoustic sound-paintings’ that oscillate between sound only works and interdisciplinary works exploring social, spatial and temporal processes. These complex audio-based situations are created mainly from field-recordings, resulting in subjective reports for radio broadcast, ‘cinema for ears’ for multi-channel playback, sound installations integrated into the environment and performances. From the early nineties Slavek has operated mainly under the name Artificial Memory Trace. 

Nowadays, since some years, he is mainly focused on exploring the deep relationship in between sound-environment and human consciousness via sound-art under moniker name of alfa00. Slavek is interested about exploring the idea of “absolute freedom” in connection to extrasensory communication possibilities via international project uni.Sol_ (United Artists for Well-Being of Solar System & Everything Else). 

He facilitates experimental sound workshops with children, children on autistic spectrum and those with learning disabilities. The workshop technique emphasises extensive listening and the stimulation of creativity and freedom through observation and the support of natural tendencies. Currently he is working for Creative Schools of The Arts Council of Ireland. Slavek was born in former Czechoslovakia, lived 14 years in Belgium and has been based in Ireland since 2000.