Usmaradio presents
A reflection on the community approach of music research, waiving together different methodologies in the making of sound, from improvisation to structured compositions, passing through live set and A\V performance and any kind of other related attitudes.
Radio and technology have always been related each others, as long as the broad of a growing non-real and immaterial space as this media represents its arial forms.
Physical, social, human, collaborative – left free in the sonic flux’s ether, layered of real time samplings, transformations, overdubbing and stratifications.
‘Dialogue’ meant through a vast array of non-similar sound’s applications reaching and sharing a network, a platform for conceiving and creating a peaceful listening zone, dreams and oscillations.
Jacopo Buda: no-input mixer, trumpet, organ, radio, live electronics;
Demetrio Cecchitelli: found sounds, acoustic guitar, radio, live electronics;
And a special intervention by Simone Doria.
THE CAVE is an artistic project active in the field of electronic and electroacoustic research music since 2021 and based in Rimini, Italy. The journey started during the pandemic time where selected artists’s pieces, coming from the Italian underground music scene, have been streaming live on Usmaradio which also collected them in its archive reachable at the link below. Then, after covid peaked, the project came back on site through different venues and across almost 30 performances in less than two years offering different layers of listening experience to the audience.
Podcast area within all the performances (2021 – 2023)
Usmaradio – Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per la Radiofonia (CRIR) / Interdepartmental Research Centre for Radio Studies, is a workplace of The School of Radio to develop an innovative radio pedagogy. Workshops, work sessions, meetings, presentations of live performance as sections of the project. Produced by UNIRSM | Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino. usmaradio.org / theschoolofradio.org / unirsm.sm