EN : Myself and my partner Dr. Kawai, we would go through our voices this part of the world where the scientific legend believe the cosmic yeti is hidden. It is a vast country where, since its discovery, the adventurers dare and are damaged. However, they do not risk their life because bodies does not have access to this world made of waves and vibrations. Not that the skin, like the body and any other physical form, does not belong to it, but here it is preferable to travel light and limit the sources of sensation. The voice is the congenial tool to this crossing, it allows us to not lose our life. To get lost remains the only danger and get lost for good.
FR : Accompagné du Docteur Kawai, nous parcourons de nos voix cette partie du monde où la légende scientifique veut cacher le yéti cosmique. C’est un pays vaste où les aventuriers s’osent et s’abiment depuis sa découverte. Ils n’y laissent cependant pas leur peau puisque leur peau n’a pas accès à ce monde fait d’ondes et de vibrations. Non pas que la peau, comme le corps et toute autre forme physique, n’y appartienne pas, mais ici il est préférable de voyager léger et limiter les sources de sensation. La voix, la voix oui, étant l’outil congénial à cette traversée, on ne pouvait y perdre la vie à proprement dire. Et dire que de s’y perdre demeure l’unique danger : s’y perdre pour de bon
Un projet de David Liver et Jonathan Frigeri.
With texts from David Liver, Gregory Whitehead, Pier Luigi Ighina, Tesla.
Jonathan Frigeri is a sound and radio artist. He is mainly interested in revealing a hidden layers of reality by underlining sounds we don’t usually pay attention to, a practice that explore the relation of sound as a door that opens imaginative space. On his work for radio he tends to incorporate on the creative process, the radio device and the space between the transmitter and the receiver. Radio art is a set of parameters which have to deal also with the space in between, between here and there.
In writing, performance and visual art, David Liver incisively provokes the boundaries that define cultural standards. David Liver considers writing to be the root of his creative output. A major Liver’s theme is the institution of “Believes” in the western social identity and it’s particular system of faith.