Plugholes is a radio drama by sisters Catherine and Lucinda Guy. They have been collaborating all their lives, making up silly plays and songs. A woman embarks on a journey down the plughole with her bath water, becoming a pirate when she reaches the sea. As she is tossed around on the storms of capitalism, parenthood, environmental activism, and animal exploitation, the needle of her moral compass spins.
Credits: Written, recorded and mixed by Catherine and Lucinda Guy, january 2019 at The Worm/Klangendum Studio, Rotterdam. Produced by Lukas Simonis
Lady – Catherine Guy.
Seahorse – Lucinda Guy.
Narrator – Nienke Terpsma.
Committee member – Rob Hamelijnck.
Additional music and roles by RE#SISTER:
Zeynep Aslan.
Marte Boomsma.
Mariëtte Groot.
Inge Hoonte.
Tamara van Suylekom.
Melanie Rieback.
To fly between the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic, is normal for grey wings, be they of aluminium or feathers. The grey feathered wings swim, too, with easy; the aluminium ones try to be like home but never quite can. And to hear them, in sound or radio, we need points on land among the vast ocean; the Azores announces itself as ‘Santa Maria Radio’, which the North Atlantic is termed ‘Shanwick’ or ‘Gander’. And in pure communicative sound, we landlubbers can need to set foot on the 3 square km island of Skomer; and we need to wait until night falls, before the Manx Shearwaters… before they…
Like passengers in a plane, some shearwaters too are locked away—inside the earth.
Radio Artist : Connor Walsh for Radio Campus Brussels, with guidance from Carine Demange.
Ci-dessous, version FR par Connor <3
Comment les oiseaux migratoire fait leur voyage, la mer d’Irlande et le Océan Atlantique près du Brésil ? D’ailleurs, comment les avion fait leur voyage transatlantique ? Les aile, bien sur, de aluminium ou de plume ; Mais comment piloter ? Si on veut l’entendu, on a besoin de points sur la terre ; les avion se compte sur les contrôle aérien au bord de mer, en Irland, au les Açores, au Canada. Et pour rencontre les puffins des Anglais, on a besoin de passer le nuit dans une de trois petite isles au Pays de Gal.
Connor Walsh a être là en Juin 2018 avec une partie du bénévoles qui faire des recherche sur les puffin des Anglais ; et écouter aussi les avions transatlantique par les ondes courtes; il a prepare cette emission Radia avec le aide du Kika de Radio Campus Bruxelles.
Radio-là: un atelier permanent d’expression et de diffusion radiophonique avec des usagers de la psychiatrie, des soignants, des journalistes et des techniciens pour interroger la psychiatrie et tenter de faire bouger les représentations liées à la maladie mentale.
Radio-là : Un atelier hebdomadaire à l’atelier-studio d’Euphonia propose à chacun de produire « son expérience » radiophonique et sonore. Nous y effectuons des écoutes, des prises de sons, de l’expression autour de thèmes choisis ensemble, des lectures, du montage, diffusés en FM et mis en ligne sur le web.
A la manière de John Cage, nous avons jeté les dés et aligné ici 28mn de captations, performances et expériences sonores :
**Performance : Cartridge-Music-John-Cage (2018_06_27- version binaurale)
Quelques lectures en français
(désolé pour le reste du monde), traductions de textes de John Cage et de
Gaston Bachelard.
Bravo à tous les participants de Radio-là.
Bonne écoute !
Radio-là : a permanent workshop for radio expression and broadcasting with psychiatric users, caregivers, journalists and technicians to interrogate psychiatry and to try to change the representations related to mental illness.
Radio-là : A weekly workshop at the Euphonia studio offers everyone to produce their own radio and sound experience. We make listening, sound recordings, expression around themes chosen together, readings, editing, and put productions on FM and on the web.
Like John Cage, we have thrown the dice and lined up here 28 minutes of captations, performances and sound experiments.
A few readings in French (sorry for the rest of the world) translations
of texts by John Cage and Gaston Bachelard.
Thank you to all the participants of Radio-là. Good
listening !
This is the first Radia contribution out of Luxembourg. A dozen people got together to discover new ways of recording and radio making, thrilled by the infinite possibilities of radio art and wildly making use of any recording device they found.
Intentionally focusing on sounds, noises and voices that usually just form the background of recordings – or are not recorded at all. Distracting reverbs, deformed languages, distortions and alien sound worlds have been surrounding us and have now been captured for Radia. Plunge into these soundscapes and enjoy the variety of discoveries we have made.
Special thanks go to Mobile Radio for holding a two-day introduction workshop, of which this show is the result, organised by CNA (Centre national de l’audiovisuel) and Radio ARA, the free radio in Luxembourg.
Produced by Wendy Winn, Ben Dratwicki, Jamie Reinert, Claire Thill, Sandra Laborier, Lars Schmitz, Véronique Faber, Justin Jacquot, Guy Anthony, Monique Hoffmann, Luca Piparo and Isabel Scott with support from Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann. Made with additional recordings by CNA audio archive and (Daniel Simon).