Tag Archives: radio x

Show 395: RITOPEK

radia season 29 – show #395 (radio x) – RITOPEK
– playing from october 22 to october 28, 2012 –


An acoustic field trip through Serbia
– a distorted landscape of bent circuits where robots whisper while sleeping and dreaming of an electrical revolution rather than of electrical sheep.

“During my three weeklong vacation in 2012 I visited Žagubica, Beograd and Požarevac in Serbia.
And while I was there I made some field recordings
processed with Audacity
partially changed pitch and tempo
cut into pieces
put together again.
Sources: Valie Djordjevic – Milan Jeron – Cicades – Buskers – Builders – Dogs – Cars – Lorries – Rain – Supermarket register – Taxi driver – Gastarbeiter – Roma kids – Custom noise oscillator” [K.H.J.]

Karl Heinz Jeron
is an artist living and working in Berlin.
Find out more about his projects at www.jeron.org

great many thanks to karl heinz jeron for RITOPEK!
additionally, miss.gunst wishes to thank the following artists and sound collectors for additional material that has been used for the post-production of the show: corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds as well as freesound.org for being such a generous host and wonderful source for free sounds.

radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: september 2012
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: cc-by-nc-sa Karl Heinz Jeron + radiator x
www.radiox.de – www.gunst.info – www.jeron.org

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Karl Heinz Jeron: www.jeron.orgportfolio.jeron.org

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)


radia season 28 – show #371 (radio x) – TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO: WINDTIME
– playing from may 7 to may 13, 2012 –


“Betrachten Sie einmal ein ganz populäres Diagramm, eine Wetterkarte. Die Linie, die ich mit meinem Finger nachziehe, zeigt die Bewegung des Barometers. […] Das Quecksilber hat doch offenbar die Linie in keiner der landläufigen Richtungen des Raumes gezogen? Aber ganz zweifellos zog es eine Linie, und diese Linie hat sich, so müssen wir schliessen, längs der Zeitdimensionen bewegt.”*

clocking windtime. not to draw a line along the dimensions of time. but to tear a hole into the latter.
listening closely to the ticks and tacks of winds and weathers, thunders and lightnings of bells and chimes, the whispers of clocks. timelines dissolving in the rain.

* quot. Egon Friedell: Die Rückkehr der Zeitmaschine. Zürich: Diogenes, 1974, pp. 13/14. [roughly transl.: “Just take a look at a really popular diagram, a weather map. The line I am following with my finger demonstrates the barometer’s movement. […] Obviously, the quicksilver has not drawn a line according to the general dimensions of space. Yet it has drawn a line – and thus, we have to conclude, this line has moved along the dimensions of time.”]

TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO is radio on time.
since summer 2010, TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO is one of the active mechanisms of the TIME BENDING CLOCK, a research project and tool looking at alternate theories and practices of measuring time, operating at the intersections of art, media, cultural history and the history of science.
find out more about the TIME BENDING CLOCK by visiting the TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK.


is a collaborative artistic research project at the intersections of ecology, art, and media,
taking an ecological approach to observing patterns in time and time control systems.
find out more about TIK at www.timeinventorskabinet.org

this TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO production is based on fieldrecordings by the following artist and artists and sound collectors who generously released their pieces on www.freesound.org unter a creative commons license – in detail:
a severe thunderstorm by martin lightning (including also storms from rhumphries); wind by black boe; wind chimes and creaking wood by smusounddesign; wind chimes by freed; water bubbles by suonho elements; clockworks by klangbeeld; a russian telegraph by microscopia; and a cuckoo clock by morgantj.
in addition to that, miss.gunst wishes to thank the following artists and sound collectors for additional material that has been used for the post-production of the show: bent grandfather’s clock based on the sound of a grandfather’s clock by digifish; wind created by ERH from freesound; and another time the cuckoo clock by morgantj. find out more about freesound at www.freesound.org – great many thanks!
moreover, very special thx to tk!

radia production: miss.gunst [TBC radio + GUNST + radiator x]
production date: mai 2012
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: cc-by-nc-sa TBC radio
www.radiox.de – www.gunst.info – www.under-construction.cc/tbcw

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & TBC radio: www.gunst.info
TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK: www.under-construction.cc/tbcw
TIME INVENTOR’S KABINET: www.timeinventorskabinet.org

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)


radia season 27 – show #349 (radio x) – TIK radio WITH THE WIND
– playing from december 5 to december 11, 2011 –


in september 2011, members from of TIME INVENTORS’ KABINET (TIK) met in bratislava for another week of collective research on radio as a tool for investigating alternate traces of time.
this time, we went with the wind. literally.
for not only our research was guided by the wind, but also our radio transmissions.

the week started with the opening of the exhibition ‘vietor a cas’ (‘wind and time’) in ASIL gallery, Bratislava – directly connected to the radio art week not only because the works presented were about wind, time, sound, and transmission.
among the latter were also two installations of wind clocks built by barb huber, the underwear clock and the laundry clock – both moved by the door’s back draught generated by visitors entering and leaving the exhibition space.
together with other wind clocks built by members of the TIME INVENTORS’ KABINET, these temporary wind clocks were driving the wind time on which the whole TIK radio art week’s schedule was built upon.

while the tiks, taks and toks of wind time – wind seconds, wind minutes and wind hours (thousand tiks being a tak, thousand taks being a tok) – are quite similar to conventional measurement of time, wind clocks are driven by wind and thus directly related to its appearance/absence, force and velocity at place.
the wind clocks built and installed by members of the TIME INVENTORS’ KABINET are connected with a server processing their signals into UTT, a collective wind time output (see: tik.twohead.org).

this hazy time was the basis for our schedule, defining the timetable as well as the duration of our broadcasts.
the programme consisted of pieces handed in by artists who had answered our call for radio art about wind and time, plus live transmissions with musings and talks as well as presentations of pieces and work in progress produced on site in bratislava.

WITH THE WIND is based on two pieces broadcasted during our third transmission on wind day 12, 09:00:00 – SPACE IN BETWEEN, a sound walk reflection by martina kedrova, and DOUBLE FROZEN WIND KABINET, the transformation of a transformation of a live piece by norbert math.

TIK radio art radio week collective:
michal cudrnak (SK), reni hofmüller (AT), barbara huber (AT/SK), martina kedrova (SK), verena kuni (DE), norbert math (AT), jonathan prior (UK), jürgen rendl (AT/SK) and ana vuzdaric (HR)

The TIK radio art radio week and exhibition were organized by COL-ME bratislava (barb huber, martina kedrova and michal cudrnak).

is a collaborative artistic research project at the intersections of ecology, art, and media,
taking an ecological approach to observing patterns in time and time control systems.
find out more about TIK at www.timeinventorskabinet.org

special thanks to all radio active time inventors;
barb huber, matina kedrova and michal cudrnak from col.me for organizing the TIK radio art radio week;
hacklab progressbar (progessbar.sk) for hosting us;
eu culture programme for funding us.
in addition to that, miss.gunst wishes to thank the following artists and sound collectors for additional material that has been used for the post-production of the show:
bent grandfather’s clock based on the sound of a grandfather’s clock recorded by digifish from freesound;
cuckoo clock recorded by morgantj from freesound;
wind created by ERH from freesound;
find out more about freesound at www.freesound.org

bratislava shortcuts
radia production: miss.gunst [TBC radio + GUNST + radiator x]
production date: december 2011 [based on pieces produced and broadcasted during the TIK radio art radio days, bratislava, september 6-11, 2011]
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: cc-by-nc-sa TIK radio collective

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & TBC radio: www.gunst.info
TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK: www.under-construction.cc/tbcw
TIME INVENTOR’S KABINET: www.timeinventorskabinet.org

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)


radia season 26 – show #329 (radio x) – TIK RADIO: BRATISLAVA SHORTCUTS
– playing from july 18 to july 24, 2011 –

tik radio bratislava shortcuts 001


in march 2011, members from of TIME INVENTORS’ KABINET (TIK) met in bratislava for a week of collective research on radio as a tool for investigating alternate traces of time.
we used a wide range of methods (a.o. city walks, field recordings, investigations in individual as well as collective imaginations, deliberate data dreaming) to explore topics like time bending, hazy time, wind time, lichen clocks, ecotime zones, shortcuts – the latter to become the focus topic for our radio show.
based on our observations and findings we developed, performed and broadcast a live radio show on friday, march 18, 2011, as part of the research week’s public closing event at hacklab progressbar.

TIK RADIO: BRATISLAVA SHORTCUTS is a collaborative effort by
Guy van Belle (BE), Michal Cudrnak (SK), Nina Czegledy (HU), Barbara Huber (AT/SK), Kruno Jost (HR), Marton Andras Juhasz (HU), Michal Kindernay (CZ), Laszlo Kiss (HU), Verena Kuni (DE), and Jürgen Rendl (AT/SK).

is a collaborative artistic research project at the intersections of ecology, art, and media,
taking an ecological approach to observing patterns in time and time control systems.
find out more about TIK at www.timeinventorskabinet.org

tik radio bratislava shortcuts 002

special thanks to all radio active time inventors;
barb huber and michal cudrnak from col.me for organizing the TIK radio research week;
hacklab progressbar (progessbar.sk) for hosting us;
eu culture programme and goethe institute bratislava for funding us.
in addition to that, miss.gunst wishes to thank the following artists and sound collectors for additional material that has been used for the post-production of the show:
bent grandfather’s clock based on the sound of a grandfather’s clock recorded by digifish from freesound;
cuckoo clock recorded by morgantj from freesound;
find out more about freesound at www.freesound.org

radia production: miss.gunst [TBC radio + GUNST + radiator x]
production date: july 2011 [based on a live radio performance + broadcast, bratislava, march 18, 2011]
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min. (and 11 secs.)
licence: cc-by-nc-sa TIK radio collective

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & TBC radio: www.gunst.info
TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK: www.under-construction.cc/tbcw
TIME INVENTOR’S KABINET: www.timeinventorskabinet.org

verena kuni (cc-by-nc-sa)

tik radio bratislava shortcuts 003

Show 291: Heimkehr by Rinus van Alebeek and Alessandra Eramo

coming home from nowhere to somewhere – or was it the other way round? let´s see. or maybe better: let´s listen…

rinus van alebeek is a sound artist, writer and performer from holland, living and working in berlin and elsewhere. find out more about rinus van alebeek and his work at zeromoon.com/rinus

alessandra eramo a.k.a ezramo is a sound artist, composer and performer from taranto, italy. she’s currently living and working in berlin, germany. further information about alessandra eramo a.k.a ezramo and her work can be found at www.ezramo.com

special thanks to corsica s. for the beautiful radiator sounds!

Show 273: history exhaustion by Francis Hunger

three friends search for an ominous radio station that transmits number sequences with mysterious messages. told is the expedition’s story through an area bearing names
such as ‘path of the invisible hand’, ‘stalin highlands’ or ‘post-modernist cave labyrinth’.
the characters – student, entrepreneur, skilled worker – lose their life or at least get lost under unpleasant circumstances…

history exhaustion is the audio transformation of an installation francis hunger created in 2009,
focussing on the subject of ‘verausgabung’ (exhaustion).

with the voice of richard cotter.
francis hunger is an artist, writer and curator. he lives in leipzig, germany.

find out more about francis hunger and his work at

further information on the installation work ‘history exhaustion’ can be found at
and at

Show 258: algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets

by institute for algorhythmics, radio X
“algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets” consists of a study with short snippets of audio examples about audificated processes of our everyday gadgets like our cell phones, cameras, smart phones and laptops.
ausculations no. 1 to 16 are made by using a electromagnetic coil, no. 17 to 19 are made by audification processes of assembly code on software side (formal materiality) and ausculations no. 20 to 23 are produced with a HF-detector.

“algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets” is also a preliminary work for a more elaborated project about a “sonic archeology of advanced everyday technologies”.
archeology is meant following michel foucault’s notion of thinking that we – when looking for meanings of things, but also their history – need to look not only for documents, but also for monuments. this means that the materiality of things and their physical effects should be investigated not only on the surface, but by “digging deeper into” things or processes and by revealing and explaining the inner structures of black boxes. therefore we think that archeology is a more sophisticated term for hacking.
the institute for algorghythmics/michael chinen & shintaro miyazaki

michael chinen (*1982) is a programmer and musician. He studied composition & computer science at university of washington, seattle/washinton state, electro-acoustic music at dartmouth college and was research student at tokyo denki university. lately he moved to berlin with the Fulbright research grant for wavefield synthesis at technische universit‰t berlin.
shintaro miyazaki (*1980) is a theorist, artist and curator. he studied media studies, philosophy and musicology in basel, switzerland and is currently a PhD researcher at humboldt university berlin under prof. wolfgang ernst, holding a scholarship of the “cogito foundation”. in 2008 he founded the ìinstitute for algorhythmicsî.

find more info at www.algorhythmics.com

Show 243: playground : art games

join us on the playground and enjoy…

miss gunst wants to thank the following artists and sound creators for creating wonderful pieces and sharing them on freesound:
lonemonk, shades, freesound, dobroide, cognito perceptu, freqman, jaava73, onive and fieldmuzick as well as freesound for being such a great resource for sound workers.

Show 215: counting years

by jörg köppl and peter zacek
in cooperation with fawzy emrany

counting years is based on a radio and sound art project that took place in 2007 in amman, the capital city of jordan, in the framework of ‘no condition is permament’- an art project in public space initiated by the swiss artist rayelle niemann. it is for the first time that ammann encouners interventions in public space, conducted by artists from jordan, egypt, palestine, lebanon, and switzerland.

during their stay of one month jörg köppl and peter zazel worked together with the artist fawzy emrany from gaza – and people from palestine living in two of the thirteen long term refugee camps existing in jordan.
the three artists asked inhabitants of the camps – some of them being already the third generation growing up in jordan – to count years, starting with the year of their birth into the future and finishing with a year oft their personal choice.

the voices were sorted by duration of counting and piled together to a show that was broadcasted on radio ammannet, the first internet radio of the arab world (founded in 2000).

for a second version, the piece was enriched with the jingle the small gas delivery trucks in amman use, and played for two days via the speakers of two of these trucks.

the piece for radia is the third version, a radio edition created by jörg köppl in april 2009.