Tag Archives: Radio Campus

Show 082: wordgames

Radio Campus and Constant vzw (http://www.constantvzw.com) present Wordgames, a rough radio mix.

featuring voices (Marijs Boulogne and An Mertens) recorded in the context of VebindingenJonctions 9
and music by Plochingen http://users.skynet.be/plochingen/), Overthruster (2OKbps records) (http://www.archive.org/details/20k136) and Indu Mezu (20Kbps ecords)(http://www.archive.org/details/20k100)

Show 071: Les Nuits Blanches du Capitaine by Jacques Foschia

Musicien improvisateur (London Improvisers Orchestra,Canaries, PIM, Bohman family) il développe depuis quelques années une approche particulière du médium radiophonique.
Ses travaux les plus récents (Orchestre téléphone, Microphonic) *www.microphonic.be* témoignent de son intérêt pour les processus mettant en relation les phénomènes sonores dans une dynamique mobile et migratoire.
Fidèle au poste, il a collaboré aussi à la webradio japonaise Kinesonus et réalise des pièces sonores pour la webradio Silenceradio depuis sa création. Il anime aussi avec son complice Alain Bolle une émission (Kwad9) sur la radio associative bruxelloise radiopanik. Elément
bruitiste et sonore de la “brocante sonore” récemment constituée (en trio avec Alain Bolle et Anthony Carcone), il est aussi membre de l’Atelier de création sonore radiophonique basé à Bruxelles.


Présentation de la “fiction”


Fiction sonore en trois épisodes.
Les éléments textuels servent de guide à l’écoute. Le capitaine évolue essentiellement dans un milieu liquide et flottant. L’usage de matériaux sonores qui y font constamment référence (le capitaine échoue dans un océan d’ondes éléctromagnétiques et termine sa course sur une plage de vinyl) submerge l’auditeur et l’emmène dans sa dérive.


1) Perdition:
Le capitaine évite le naufrage de justesse, sort d’ un comas éthylique avancé, négocie un mouillage plus sûr en même temps qu’il se vôtre dans la luxure avec la fille de Pharaon.

2) Meurtre à la foreuse
Le ménage prend l’eau…la scène vire au tragique et fini dans un bain de sang. Ici, on ne sait pas qui est la victime: l’homme, la femme ou une tièrce personne – en l’ ocurence l’auditeur.

3) La chanson du capitaine
Le capitaine rame tout seul sur une plage de vinyl et entame son chant de litanie…les chants les plus beaux sont les plus déseperés. Rôdent autour de lui une nuée de corbeaux noirs.

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Jacques FOSCHIA is an improviser and has been working for some times on ways to approach the radio medium. He’s a collaborator of the japanese webradio Kinesonus and of the belgian webradio Silenceradio. Other projects include the radio program kwad9 with his accomplice Alain Bolle, on Radio Panik, the “brocante sonore” with Alain Bolle and Anthony Carcone.

He’s also a member of the Atelier de Création sonore et radiophonique.

This piece produced for radia is a fiction in three parts called
LES NUITS BLANCHES DU CAPITAINE (the captain’s white nights)

The captain is evolving in a liquid environment. He’s drifting in an ocean of electromagnetic waves and will end his course on a vinyl beach.

1) Perdition:

The captain manages to avoid an alcoholic shipwreck and drown himself in lust with the pharao’s daughter.

2) Meurtre à la foreuse (murder with a driller?)

Their relationship is sinking. It becomes a tragic bloodbath. We don’t know who is the victim : man, woman or listener.

3) La chanson du capitaine (the captain’s song)

The captain is rowing, alone on a vinyl beach and start to sing with black crowes hovering above him.

Show 061: silence radia

This week for Radia, Radio Campus will go and plunder the silenceradio.org database.
SilenceRadio.org is a listening space dedicated to contemporary creative radio.

SilenceRadio.org offers audio pieces from composed work to “rough” material such as an interesting piece of archive or field-recording.

As a web-based project, Silenceradio could be non-geographical. But it’s not, or not completely. You can find a lot of homegrown sounds, recorded here in Brussels in their collection. We tried here to put some of those together and send you the result, from Brussels, with love

Show 024: Brouillage

This program is based on texts written by the French poet Armand Robin. During the 50ies and 60ies he spent most of his time listening to shortwave radio stations in various languages, comparing the evolution of propagandist reporting. He was then publishing a weekly listening report that he printed and distibuted himself (I think it was 23 copies, made with a stencil printing machine). In this programme, readings of bits of text (it’s in french) are mixed with various sounds, a lot of them sampled from my friends Martiens Go Home.

Show 004: Cuisine Interne Keuken by Wendy Van Wynsberghe

This radio show is content-wise made with the material of Cuisine Interne Keuken, a project in which we (Constant vzw) ask precarious/cultural workers how they make a living. This project started because we were curious how other people – mostly without a fixed income – lived and if they have a certain strategy… So we started interviewing all the people, mostly artists, that we encountered. A better explantion can be found here.
For this we made a questionnaire, with 17 questions. It even evolved into a physical installation – but that is another story…

In the month of october of last year Constant was invited to City of Women, a festival in Ljubjana, to work on Cuisine Interne Keuken and to interview people around and about the festival. Most voices that you hear in Ran Radia 04 come from these recordings (savour the accents!).

For the “musicalization” I used field recordings (for example a supermarket in Ljubljana) and I played with bits and bobs of the interviews (laughter, certain words…) or new recordings (there is one moment I play with money! ha!).

In the beginning I “let” people introduce themselves, their names, then ages, and from then on it is more about their situation. In the middle of Radia 4, people start describing their workspace, which they drew. The linking sound of these bits of interview are actually the hums in my working space, especially for this project (I worked in the cellar, with the servers and de-humidifiers humming their songs -I got used to them! And with the street and ventilator working at my right ear…)
Anway, there is something I shouldn’t forget to mention, I have also used some sounds of the Freesound Project, a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds.