Show 1011 – The revolution will not be digitalized (Radio Campus)

The tenth of may 2024 – Bodensee, a lake that seperates Germany from Switzerland. Above the dark and still waters, the majestuaous aurora borealis is visible in all it’s splendour. At the shoreline of the same lake, just a few hours before the electromagnetic solar storm carressed the earth, sound artists Gérald Wang and Sebastian Dingens gave the workshop The Revolution will not be digitalised, in which they returned to the roots of radio; analog technologie, live creation and electromagnetic communication.

In retrospect, the program sounds almost as a forecast of the upcoming events; With the use of any analog tools, we will explore the possibilities of the analog world, to make creative radio. From tape to vinyl, analog wireless transmission and echos from space. We will develop a setup, to perform together in a radio show. 25 radiopeople, professionals and amateurs, particpated. What you are about to hear is the almost intact registration of the final presentation, recorded on tape.

The revolution will not be digitalized – Learn how not to use a computer for making creative radio In this world, computers are everywhere.
It’s becoming very simple to broadcast from anywhere, using the tool everyone have in the pocket. But what if we try something else? With the use of any analog tools, we will enjoy the possibilities that offer the analog world to make creative radio. From tape to vinyl, to analog wireless transmission and echo from space. We will develop a setup, to perform together in a radio show.

Curation : Carine Demange for Radio Campus Bruxelles