Show 657: Method / Anna Zett (


METHOD, by Anna Zett via 88.4 FM Berlin for radia.

In this spontaneous audio piece Anna Zett explores the interview as a form of monologue and a form of trialogue. It is centered around the artist’s visit at a professional fortune tellers office in Beijing.

She has brought her own deck of modernist tarot cards, he is willing to share his approach to situation analysis and fate calculation according to Chinese traditions. Mediated by a third person who is serving as translator, they enter a conversation about chance.

Anna Zett has written and directed two radio plays for the public radio in Germany, both of them dealing with voice-based oracles and the challenge of communication.

Show 656: AMonFM::: underground_acceleration by beepblip (Radio Student)


The track was recorded live on Sound Topographies Festival at Škuc Gallery, on 1 October 2017, by an invitation of the festival’s curator Nina Dragičević. The track is based on various field recordings, which in their raw form often sound quite piercing for the ear. Field recordings are most interesting for the person who finds them, in simultaneity with the sound-event, in direct contact with the sound-field source. Such encounters are marked by an element of surprise in a unique event, a non reproducible moment in time. With repetition this moment becomes an object in the archive of memory, of something known and transmittable. In my relation to sound, the element of the unexpected plays a significant role, as though I am making sounds in the tension between repetition and surprise.

The track plays with various frequencies in audio or electromagnetic spectrums, which are outside the range of a human hearing. Often, such frequencies come in extremely high and sharp form, when they are transposed to the human hearing range. These are exactly the frequencies that attract me most. I am producing such sound in an attempt to shift the flow of conscious thinking.  In this way, the production of such persistent sounds is political, because they nullify the capacity to be productive and efficient; the two imperatives imposed by capitalist mode of reproduction. At the same time, these sounds are not particularly entertaining, and they offer relaxation only to the people who refuse to be relaxed in an anesthetic way. The track ideally works as a jammer for thought pollution.

A few words about field recording. In the immediacy of listening when recording, I am using amplifiers, catchers of frequencies, different antennas, coils, transducers. I record either outside of the hearing range, either in the electromagnetic fields or on the radio frequencies outside of the advertisement-polluted FM (AM or VHF). To walk through space with headphones and an amplifier of sort is like floating in some virtual inter-space, which is not connected to online or digital virtuality, but a virtual space on the level of electromagnetic waves, for example. In my utopian thinking, I imagine that computers and the web are not optimal carriers of virtuality. If we are ever to develop interfaces, which are more comfortable for our human bodies, we would have to invent new way of virtualisation. I am not interested only in producing sound compositions, but propose sounds, which would say something about the future. As a representative of contemporary cognitariat I feel flattened in two dimensions of a computer screen. And sometimes I am in awe with the 3D world with its forms and possibilities. An ordinary view of the world is virtual reality to me. My listening of electromagnetic waves is a way of opening the virtual space into more spatial and temporal dimensions.

The track consists of modified fragments recorded with a radio receiver on AM waves. Mostly they are without narration, and sometimes a word or a melody creeps in. I listen to these tracks like they would be arias of some sort. The tracks also consists of sound layers recorded with a coil for sound detection of electromagnetic waves. These recordings were mostly taken in 2013 and 2014 in New York City, where the EM waves are omnipresent. This part of the recordings is also the reason to call this track Underground Acceleration. What interests me in this sound layer is the tension of constant acceleration with few releases. This constant electromagnetic tension works like an illustration of capitalist depletion and accelerationism.

There is also a really beautiful example or an acoustic citation of light installation by Kurt Laurenz Theinert: Gespinst, exhibited a few years ago at the Lighting Guerrilla Festival in Ljubljana. In addition to these field recordings, there are also several sound levels produced live with analogue electronic synthesisers.

For the conclusion, perhaps a short explanation of the title AMonFM. Not only are some AM transmissions now channeled on radia-FM, the FM in this case is also the Shape of a dozen of analogue patches.


Although usual, the works of sound creation of TEA FM always look around to press the environment and look for those sounds that are hidden behind the silence or the screams, as both contaminate the speech and the listening.

In these days, almost all the sounds that arrive at any place of Europe from our latitudes refer to Catalonia.

IMAGE: El Periodico de Aragon. April 23th 1992. Aragonese people in front of Spanish Parliament, Madrid.


What is here called “train crash”, which is nothing more than a dialogue of the deaf in which neither party is able to hear the contrary to arrive at a valid conclusion, stifles any other claim or protest as valid or more like “Votarem”

This creative documentary that TEA FM puts in your ears is born of our own Aragonese identity. Aragon, an uninhabited territory (along with Lapland, of which the least inhabitants per square kilometer has in all Europe), with a proper language that is only speak by 12000 people and that is cataloged like the more reduced language than those that exist in Europe and a population of just over one million people aged and dispersed in a territory with the size of Switzerland.

What we put in your ears is not a claim program. Nor it meant to be informative. We just want you to listen to those sounds that exist and are not heard from the protests that have been produced and are taking place right now in Aragon for many years and are deaf to the media noise of who only wants public opinion to look in one other direction.

Because despite what it seems … NOT ALL HAPPENS IN CATALONIA


Como es habitual, los trabajos de creación sonora de TEA FM miran a su alrededor para pulsar el entorno y buscar esos sonidos que quedan ocultos tras el silencio o los gritos, pues ambos contaminan el discurso y la escucha.

En estos días, casi todos los sonidos que llegan a cualquier lugar de Europa desde nuestras latitudes se refieren a Cataluña.

Lo que aquí se está denominando “choque de trenes” y que no es más que un diálogo de sordos en el que ninguna de las partes es capaz de escuchar al contrario para llegar a una conclusión válida, ahoga cualquier otra reivindicación o protesta tan válida o más como la del “Votarem”

Este documental de creación que TEA FM pone en tus oídos nace de nuestra propia identidad aragonesa. Aragón, un territorio despoblado (junto con Laponia, de los que menos habitantes por kilometro cuadrado tiene en toda Europa), con una lengua propia que tan solo hablan 12000 personas y que está catalogada como la lengua más minorizada de las que existen en Europa y una población de poco más de un millón de personas envejecida y dispersa en un territorio del tamaño de Suiza.

Lo que ponemos en vuestros oídos no es un programa reivindicativo. Tampoco pretende ser informativo. Solo queremos que escuchéis aquellos sonidos que existen y no se oyen de las protestas que se han producido y producen en Aragón desde hace muchos años y que quedan sordos ante el ruido mediático de quien solo quiere que la opinión pública mire en una dirección.

Porque a pesar de lo que parezca… NO TODO PASA EN CATALUÑA



Show 653: Éponges d’une nuit d’été (Radio Panik)

Some morning voices who told with texture in situ and a live performance with found material.

A sonar experience in three stages: gleaning dreams (recorded), gleaning sounds, collective trance.

This performance art workshop, organized by Le Bruitagène, took place at the second Utopie Sonore manifestation, a sound and radio residence near Angers in France at the end of August 2017.

A dozen people participated in addition to the fourty people who recorded their morning voices surrounding the theme of their dreams. The idea: to create a soundtrack based on these recordings, and added interesting sounds made by instrument-objects collected in situ, to deliver a live performance by broadcasting the editing of voices and playing with instrument-objects.

Producer : Doux Comme Un Lézard

Illustration :


Des voix du matin qui racontent, de la texture in situ et une perf live avec la matière récoltée. Expérience sonore en trois étapes: glanage de rêves (enregistrements), glanage de sons, transe collective.

Cet atelier-performance a eu lieu lors de la 2e édition d’Utopie Sonore, résidence radiophonique et sonore près d’Angers fin août 2017, organisée par Le Bruitagène.

Une dizaine de personnes y ont participé, en plus de la quarantaine de personnes qui ont enregistré leur voix du matin autour de leurs rêves. L’idée: réaliser une trame sonore à partir de ces enregistrements, y ajouter des sons d’objets-instruments récoltés sur place, livrer une performance en direct en diffusant les montages des voix et en jouant des objets-instruments.

Une production Doux Comme Un Lézard

Illustration :