Show 547: Turning towards sonic impressions

The wiener radia kollektiv (ORANGE 94.0) proudly presents radia # 547

Wolfgang Fuchs at Buenos Aires.

Turning towards sonic impressions

An impressionistic turntabling view onto Buenos Aires.

What is left if you want to make a soundscape-piece but find yourself in the overwhelming soundscape of a city that cannot be acoustically depicted by the collected footage? Wolfgang Fuchs solved this dissonance with another sound-tool placed in ephemera. He turned towards his turntables and drew a clear acoustic line of the constant “wrumm “of a somehow different megacity that seems to be bedded in low frequency clouds, unfolded and broken in distortion.

In 2015 Lale Rodgarkia-Dara and Veronika Mayer went on an electrocoustic-literature tour through Argentina. One of the outcomes was a spontaneous artist-exchange with a local gallery in Buenos Aires. Quickly a Sonic-Art- Residency was created and even quicker Wolfgang Fuchs convinced a small jury with his work. Wolfgang has been staying at PANAL 361 since the end of August and is involved in several artistic approaches. Some successful, some stressful, all different.

Read, listen to and view more of Wolfgang Fuchs work on:


The residency is part of an exchange programme. In 2016 an Argentinean artist will be selected to take on a residency in Vienna with the focus on Sonic/Radio-Art.

Further info on the exchange of the Speisekammertag and Panal 361 at: