Category Archives: #54

Show 1042 : Alignement des.astre.s / Astralignment (Radio Panik)

On the evening of Friday February 28, 2025, 7 planets offered us an astonishing astronomical phenomenon. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and Saturn aligned. We were able to observe them in the sky, some with the naked eye, others through a telescope. Next rendezvous: May 19… 2161! The same day, during the day, a Radio Panik team searched the shelves of the Médiathèque Nouvelle in Brussels. All these sounds have been arranged to take you on a sonic voyage we hope will be extra-planetary (and even more spatial if you listen through headphones).


Le soir du vendredi 28 février 2025, 7 planètes nous ont offert un étonnant phénomène astronomiques. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Vénus, Neptune, Mercure et Saturne se sont aligné·es. À l’œil nu pour certaines et au télescope pour d’autres, nous avons pu les observer dans le ciel. Prochain rendez-vous le 19 mai… 2161! Le même jour, en journée, une équipe de Radio Panik a fouillé les étagères de la Médiathèque Nouvelle (ex Point Culture) dans ses locaux à Bruxelles. Toutes ces pépites sonores ont été agencées pour vous faire vivre un voyage sonore qu’on espère extra-planétaire (et encore plus spatial si vous écoutez au casque).

playlist galactique / galactic music by:_Jeff Mills, David Elfman, Laibach, Pierre Schaeffer, Rob Mazurek
Pulsar Quartet, Desmond Leslie The Orb, Ippu-Do, The
Psychophysicist, Rubin Steiner, Nobukazu Takemura, George Delerue,
Laurie Spiegel, Tomorrowland, Acid Mother Temple, Kris Davis, Oval,
KLF, Sufjan Stevens_

Collage par / by Patricia Gélise

Radio Panik Crew Production

avec le soutien de


show 1041: The voices are burning by Gerarda Evenbeen, Radio Worm

Gerarda Monster grew up in the hamlet of Mookhoek in a liberal Christian family of 12 children. A dominant, cigar-smoking mother and a father whose fervent nudism did not go down well in the small Mookhoek community, not to mention his tendency to sometimes disguise himself as a woman. Mother had a clothing repair service in Strijen, father worked at the office of Piet Klerkx in Waalwijk. In his spare time he supported refugee work in the Netherlands and was conductor of the choir ‘De Zevende Hemel’ (a project of Humanitas for mildly handicapped children). Gerarda went to study law in Leiden where she met her future husband, Gert Evenbeen at the law firm where she did an internship. Gert played an important role in her decision to hang up her robe and devote herself to creating avant-garde compositions for a very select audience, acting as a kind of manager and generating some interest in her work, despite the fact that Gerarda was self-taught and was driven more by an inner urge than by a desire to show her work to an audience.

After her divorce she barely left her house in the north of Rotterdam, but continued to write & record music until her premature death of malnutrition in 2017.

Gerarda made the mixture of a collage and electronic composition ‘The Voices Are Burning’ not long before she died, it could have been the last big piece she was working on. It was made on her only electronic device, an Arp 2600, recorded and overdubbed on 4 old Uher taperecorders, using all available tapes about voice related subjects that she collected through the years. It has never been released or broadcasted before.

This is part of an ongoing project called SHADOWSIDE OF SOUND, dedicated to works by Rotterdam composers, known and unknown, who have fallen into oblivion. Progressive or conservative. Fairly or unfairly; that will determine history. As you know, there are various points of view regarding whether or not acceptance is there. In general, it can be assumed that the circuit must have the power to handle the work. The other view is a chimera of the one who gives himself a stunning victory before playing time is up.

Composition; Gerarda Evenbeen

Production; Worm Radio/Dr Klangendum in collaboration with Coolhaven

Photo by Ben Aalders, Worm Studio, Rotterdam, 2016

Show 1040: The angel sisters by Anaïs Prévost (

La sœur de l’Ange par Anaïs Prévost pour Jet fm

Elle ne veut pas voir les ombres qui passent sur un mur blanc.
Elle ne veut pas voir la béance d’une grotte.
Elle ne veut pas voir le vent qui passe par une fenêtre, ni les mots qui se détachent d’une bouche.
Elle ne veut pas voir
Ce qui a osé s’écarter.
Elle veut tendre la main et boucher la serrure.

« Mon rêve est à toi. »

Elle laisse l’animal rentrer
Et s’allonge à ses côtés.

The angel’s sister by Anaïs Prévost for Jet fm

No shadows overlooking the white wall.
No hole, no cavern.
No wind passing through the window, nor words fleeting from a lip.
She will not see
What has dared to suggest.
She will open her hand
And choke the lock.

I am dreaming for you

She lets the animal walk in
And lays down to his side.

Anaïs Prévost is a french american video & sound artist living in Nantes (France). Here are their first steps into radio art.

Show 1039: Above My Head By Naviar Broadcast (Resonance)

Thirty minutes of experimental music made in response to a haiku poem, curated by Marco Alessi of Naviar Records and Naviar’s international community of composers. This edition features music made by Naviar’s community inspired by Santoka Taneda’s poem “Above my head – / The burning summer sky, / Begging and walking.”

Show 1038: Numberstations by Lale Rodgarkia-Dara (Radio Helsinki)

“Der akustische Schatten ist die Impulsantwort / The sonic shadow is the impulse response. “Schatten unserer selbst” – Sounding beyond the European Union.”

"Reflex Blue Series, Number 7", 2022 credit Lale Rodgarkia-Dara
“Reflex Blue Series, Number 7”, 2022 credit Lale Rodgarkia-Dara
Numberstations by Lale Rodgarkia-Dara
radia # 1038, season 54

There are two kinds of dedicated radio listeners.
Those who head for their FM Soundscape while, working, reading living and those who head for numbers and morse-code on short wave. Distracting at least one of these groups may seem like an achievable aim. While we are discussing pipeline-holes and ripped interbet-cables in the Baltic sea, the neo-rebellion in Iran and drones in circles, it had all been broadcasted beforehand.

This Radia-show is dedicated to numberstations, a way of broadcasting encrypted information via serieses of numbers or letters, using either automated voice, Morse code, or a digital mode. A methode that has been used since WW I and is still used as this signals are not sensitive to any distortion and disturbance and reach out via aether into the air and water. Foreign intelligence agenciesunder water or overseas keep on useing this practical methode of informations transportation.

Nida Live-Performance from Sept 28th 2022 was developed during a residency at the Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts and performed there.

Numberstations was re-performed at Wien Modern November 24th 2024 as part of a project of the collective Institut for Transacoustic Research (Institut für Transakustische forschung).
Ein transakustischer Spaziergang

Thanks a lot to the Nida Art Colony and its team especially Vasilisa Filatova and Egija Inzule.

Lale Rodgarkia-Dara – works as an author, radio producer and media artist.

She is part of the Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory Collective, which runs a feminist art/hacker space in Vienna, the Vienna Radia Collective (co-founder of and the of as well as co-founder of Elektronik Teatime (until 2015) and the Radio Ironie Orchestra of Radio Helsinki (2019). She somehow always invents projects with literature, media art and mostly in transitory spaces or on the radio.
Initiator and co-founder of the Palais Rössl. It is an intergenerational, polydisciplinary, queer, growing symbiotic connection of artists, musicians, designers and cultural workers in the heart of Vienna. Together with Judith Unterpertinger, she forms the duo Under the given circumstances. She is currently the strategic managing director of Radio Helsinki 92.6 – Freies Radio Graz.

In recent years, she has explored the intersection between art, science and culture in a series of socio-political and artistic projects. Since 2003 she has been holding radio workshops with young people and adults and giving lectures in formal and informal educational institutions and universities. She was artistic lecturer at the TU Vienna (SKUOR, 2013-2014), lecturer at the IEM –
Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics at the KUG in Graz (2017/2018) and at the Institute for Artistic Teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts in the field of Acoustics (2018/2019, 2021/2022), since 2024 University of Applied Arts Vienna
(teaching as the collective Mz* Baltzar’s Laboratory).
Juror for the Hans Weigel Literature Scholarship 2013-2015, advisory board and juror for the the Media Art Prize of the City of Vienna 2017, advisory board Literatur&Kritik 2023-2024.


Blind date at Kanal 103.

Meet and greet, plug and play.

Deep into the pandemic, live music felt impossible. But we have Kanal 103, our little capsule in space. Two musicians, strangers until that moment, were brought together for an impromptu live session. This recording captures that initial spark and the genesis of Todor Karakolev’s Will Discuss, a project carelessly abandoned to the thrill of on-the-spot musical encounters.

Will Discuss for the occasion:
Todor Karakolev – electronics
Kristijan Savikj – guitar

Recorded live at Kanal 103 (15.11.2020) as part of the Music & Friendship series.

Will Discuss debut release is available here:


Show 1036 “Light Hesitates” by Katrina Brown for Soundart Radio

Light Hesitates is a text-voice piece and a contemplation on hesitation. [glitch, interval, this way-that way dubiousness, slight delay, sharp intake, split second gap] Hesitancy being present in the body and perhaps a useful tactic to disrupt linear progression and certainty, to notice other ways of seeing. Ideas of partial visibility and translucency (mist, tracing paper, dusk) and of navigation in relation to light (moth, dung beetle, ear) crept into the work from the periphery. The texts stem from a summer artist residency at Hospitalfields Arbroath Scotland in 2023.

As choreographer I was experimenting with writing that emerged from an immediacy of experience and of moving. I am curious how language inhabits and how the body inhabits language, how words resonate from the body and fold back into the body. How certain words organised in score-like structures become dance partners. In writing for radio, as a new way of making a choreographic work, I was working perhaps with how words are held in a voice as an extension of the body, how to bring lightness and spatiality to words spoken aloud and play with what surfaces between writing, reading, speaking, listening.

Written and performed by Katrina Brown
Additional voices Myrte Blanken and Juno Brown
Produced by Lucinda Guy for Soundart Radio

Show 1035 “Poetics of Liberation” by Red Forest for

Poetics of Liberation and a call for nourishing pluralistic ways of being(excerpt) for via

This final sonic and experiential conversation navigates the myriad
topics raised over the course of Nomadic Cosmologies and Fugitive
Power, weaving climate struggles with environmental justice and
transformative futures. This closing is also an opening and an
invitation to engage with the socio-ecological dimension of energy and
people’s resistance against the epistemic injustice that is present in
extractivism, datafication and a narrative that claims it cannot be
otherwise. It is also a call to celebrate and defend the many forms of
life that need space to flourish on their own terms. To mobilize with
the overcrossing rebellious rhythms and the ancestrality of

With Sezgin Boynik, Alberto Torres, Giovanna Esposito Yussif and Sónia Vaz Borges, Sonic Intervention with DJ Zhao

Red Forest Radiograms – Nomadic Cosmologies and Fugitive Power were convened by Red Forest. More information,

Show 1034 : “Hypercabane” from Radio Campus Bruxelles

Hypercabane is a collective project airing monthly on Radio Campus Bruxelles.
Our research explores the plastic forms of sound and radio, the potential of the voice and the distortion of reality.
Each month, we collaborate with guest artists on live experiments guided by creative protocols, challenging notions of the linearity of time and space, while travelling through a sound-designed universe with a dreamlike, retro-fantasy aesthetic.

In the manner of a cut-up, the recordings of these live broadcasts become the raw material for the editing and pasting process that we carry out alongside our work on the broadcasts themselves.
As we celebrate the third anniversary of the project, we’ve delved deep into our archives to blend our earliest and most recent shows into a brand new journey.

With the voices of :
Flavia, Maxime, Djeline, Paolo, Valentin, Jules, Eugène, Maria, Carla, Marie, Zélie, Mia, Eline, Elisa, Inès, Lilith, Ian, Orlane, Mathilde

With samples from :
Allergène – FunkyPastaBox
Irreversible Entanglements – Our Land Back
Mark Seibert – Conquests Of Camelot OST

Links :

Curated by Carine Demange for Radio Campus Bruxelles