Another Communist Horror Story is another communist horror story about child labour, deep mining, gold lust, human sacrifice and antediluvian entities lurking in the dark.
Based on a true story.
Set in Banská Štiavnica, Slovensko.
By luvan
In English, Slovak and French

Many thanks to Lenka Luptáková, who introduced me to the Salamander ; Léo Henry, John Sellekaers and Eve Commenge, beta-listeners ; and Carine Demange, from Radio Campus Bruxelles, for her deaf trust.
For this show, I have used tiny bits of : Baku Symphony Of Sirens, by Arseny Avraamov / Alfred Wolfsohn’s Experiments in Extension of Human Vocal Range, by Smithsonian Folkways / Starfish Dissection, by Richard Glassford II on Youtube / CROWN OF THORNS STARFISH, by ABCTVCatayst, on Youtube / Baníctvo na Porači (dokument, 2014) by Tomáš Telepák, on Youtube / Štiavnické Bane, Slovakia – šachta, by Radio Aporee, on archive.org / Novy Most Bridge, Bratislava, Lift in pylon, by Jodi Rose for Radio Aporee, on archive.org / velka causa – singing, by Radio Aporee, on archive.org / Trenčín-Kubrica, Slovenská republika – Scary Tale, by Jüang Ren, for Radio Aporee, on archive.org / Tchecoslovak TV news from 1957-9-11, on Youtube / Banská Štiavnica, slávnostné zvonenie, by Glockenman, on Youtube / Banská Štiavnica – zvon Umieračik ( c” ), by Glockenman, on Youtube / A few interpretations of Edgar Allan Poe’s poem Bells, for Librivox / Snow White, the Slovak dubbing version from year 1970, on Youtube / Old ORIGINAL GERMAN AIR RAID SIREN TEST, by e57michel, on Youtube / Venus fly trap – The Private Life of Plants – David Attenborough – BBC, on Youtube / S-40 siren test, by Olafs Kodolšķiltava, on Youtube / The sound of sea urchins crunching as they eat par ABCRadioN-1, on Soundcloud / Scenes from the film The Haunting, by Robert Wise, featuring the voices of Julie Harris and Claire Bloom, on Youtube / The pre-recorded voices of Juliette, Alice, Bruno, Alain, Anjali, Reiner, Francesca, Audrey, Rachel and Lucy on NaturalReaders.Com / My own field recordings / My own voice / My own text / Hope I’m not forgetting anyone / Cheers, luvan / www.luvan.org/blog / https://soundcloud.com/luvan