Bouncing Off – 2020 – by René Uijlenhoet
The composers Christine Cornwell and Jago Thornton bounce off on their musical ideas and on what bats might hear while flying inside a room or a chapel. They even muse on the secret afterlife of sound-waves and on the working of their musical brain.
Their introspection – during an interview – are set into a retro-SciFi sound-scape, depicting the creative human brain as a giant nervous clockwork.
René Uijlenhoet studied composition with Ton Bruynèl. He works as a composer, performer, museum installation builder, teacher, researcher and expert in the field of electronic music.
He taught at the HKU, worked for NEAR and published the complete tape music by pioneers Dick Raaijmakers and Jan Boerman. Since 1997 he is affiliated with the composition department of Codarts Rotterdam.
His music has been published by Donemus, by Basta and also by Peer Verlag. For the purpose of composing and teaching, he investigates new forms of sound synthesis and spectralism, the relationship ‘color’ and ‘timbre’, microtonality, spatial representation (via Ambisonics, among others), algorithmic composing strategies, live electronics in combination with acoustic instruments. , the history of electronic music and analog studio techniques, improvisation using live programming and also sonication of medical research data.
Texts and voice recording by Christine Cornwell and Jago Thornton
The music for Bouncing Off was produced and mixed in the private studio of the composer.
Produced for Worm/Klangendum 2020