Show 730: How does Bosch sound by Kinga Toth (Radio Helsinki, Graz)

2015 I had the opportunity to visit Bosch researching field the first time and the amazing Platform12. This is a new planet, a freer place for creation under strickt circumstances of a huge factory as Bosch. My idea was to connect this organism through the first layer, the skin: the text. To research all the written communication and the unique Bosch-language with codes, secrets and word-creations. I was also very curious about how this organism functions, how we receive the language, so to sum up: HOD DOES BOSCH SOUND? During my stay I sat on a bagger, watched a controled a mower,  and amazing robots and machines, and tried to communicate them, collect their sounds and compose with them – using their and also mine secret language. In my understanding text also has a body (it is a body itself), so I worked also with the shapes and important lines, contours as part of this language. The result came in a book by Parasitenpresse with the titel “Wir bauen eine Stadt” in graphics, poems, sounds and also performances with Normal Gergely sound and visual artist and also in this text-sound-composition with poems, codes the sounds of Bosch-machines and my reactions to it. After Jena and Stuttgart 20. and 28. March 2019  I’m going to present the project in Graz, in the off-gallery Griesgasse 31.