Tag Archives: Radio Student

Show 478: Theremidi Orchestra (Radio Student)

Theremidi is a made-up-word, a hybrid of thermin and midi controller.  Theremidi Orchestra (TO) is a verb, an ongoing workshop of noise and drone production. The hands-on electro noise ensemble exists in the present continuous, but refers also to the history of electronic music. TO has a DIY (do-it-yourself) and DIWO (do-it-with-others) approach in making music / sound experiments, making our own instruments (theremidi, micronoise, touch-tone…), based on open-source technologies. Currently, the Theremidi Orchestra consists of 9 active members, coming from different study or professional backgrounds. Every Monday TO meets at Ljudmila = Ljubljana Digital Media Lab to practice and develop soundscapes and build DIY sound devices. Theremidi Orchestra is a process of mutual understanding and solving problems in a horizontal manner. First it led us to abort the need for a central figure of sound technician or conductor. The process of production involves experimentation with sound outputs, mutually composed music scores, shared responsibilities for individual parts of the process, etc.

The featured track has been recorded by Radio Student. The first 6:40 minutes is a fragment of a live performance at TRESK #5 Festival with sound artist and dancer Irena Tomažin at Kino Šiška Cultural Centre. The rest of the track has been recorded live at Radio Student for DJ Seansa morning radio show.

Theremidi Orchestra active members are: Simon Bergoč, Tina Dolinšek, Luka Frelih, Ida Hiršenfelder, Dare Pejić, Tilen Sepič, Saša Spačal, Robertina Šebjanič, Dušan Zidar, Isac Petruzzi, Ian Soroka

More: http://wiki.ljudmila.org/Theremidi_Orchestra

Show 453: radioCona: Protests in Slovenia 2012-2013 by Radio Student

podcast produced for radioCona and CoLaboRadio, Berlin,

materials used:[i] various individual field recordings from various video YouTube sources

Slovenians Demand Radical Change

During the closing months of 2012, Slovenia has seen a series of mass popular protests. Thirty thousand demonstrators gathered on November 17 for the first protest, organised by trade unions, students, and organisations of retired people and artists. Dozens of protests followed, large
and small, taking place in virtually all of the urban settlements of Slovenia, often organized spontaneously through Facebook and other social media.

radioCona Temporary Project Radio For Contemporary Arts

Art project radioCona (by Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman) first broadcasted on january 1st, 2008. Till present nine FM and internet broadcasts with series of sound art, radio art, discursive projects, thematic discussions and lectures were produced. radioCona appeared and exhibited in Modern Gallery Ljubljana, City Gallery Ljubljana, transmediale.11, RAM LIVE, among others.

Show 429: Fragments from a Deviant by Luka Prinčič (Radio Student/Ljubljana)

I always liked radio. It offers a special mental, bodily and emotional space. At least it used to. Things are so much different these days. It seems it is so hard to find intimacy, time and attention to focus on a single channel. It seems like we are tuned to many different frequencies at once and we’re having an open recording device on each of them. Do we ever go back and listen to those recordings? Have we really experienced each and every one of these channels? If we haven’t, do the recordings matter?

Radiophonicaly I was “born” through so called Ministry for Experiment run by Borut Savski, Marko Košnik and Luka Frelih. Broadcasting seemed such magic. The open radiospace after midnight and the experience of the eXchange network (first web streaming, creating closed loop/chain of online rebroadcasters) provoked a special sense of closeness and distance at the same time.

A recent radio project was a monthly radio show “Fragments from a Deviant”, where various materials – sonic and textual – were manipulated, processed and edited into a collage of dis/appearing messages and references.

What follows is a short edit of some of those radio shows and few original sound pieces.


* Deviantovi fragmenti [Fragments from a Deviant] #24 (050510): Keith Jarret in conversation with machines

* Deviantovi fragmenti [Fragments from a Deviant] #33: Explicite Hriste

* Deviantovi fragmenti [Fragments from a Deviant] #35: Christian Sexuality

* Undulation of Oud & Nature is the Steppe from “Nova deViator presents Leopoldina Istanbul (from contract to ritual)”

* Luka Prinčič live sound performance at RŠ44, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana

* “switch” by Luka Prinčič (unpublished)

Luka Prinčič is a musician, sound designer and media artist who worksand lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. http://deviator.si

Show 406: Radio Arctic by Marko Peljhan and Radio Student

From Radio Student, Ljubljana, in Radia show 406 we bring You a mashap of authentic recordings from the Arctic, made by Marko Peljhan and his team, from one of their Arctic Perspective Initiative’s mission: therein recordings, local radio communications over short waves and folklore and pop music from the Arctic. “In the Arctic, there are the openest public radio stations. The radio station does not have a key, anyone can come on the radio and do the show.” (M.P.)

Marko Peljhan. After theatre and radio studies at the University of Ljubljana, Marko Peljhan founded Projekt Atol, an organisation working with visual arts and communications technologies, in 1992. In 1995 he co-founded LJUDMILA (Ljubljana Digital Media Lab), now one of Europe’s most significant cultural and tactical media labs. In 1997 Peljhan’s ongoing Makrolab, launched at documenta in Germany, provoked artistic and scientific reflection on sustainable technologies and energies. Radio is key to Peljhan’s research: he founded and coordinates the Insular Technologies initiative, which proposed an autonomous high frequency radio network long before wireless internet. Radio underpins performative works such as Solar (1997), Signal-Sever (1999 – 2006) and SPEKTR (2007). Peljhan is Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Media Arts and Technology Program, California Nanosystems Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA; he is also a licensed radio operator and trained pilot.

Arctic Perspective Initiative (API) is a non-profit, international group of individuals and organizations, founded by Marko Peljhan and Matthew Biederman, whose goal is to promote the creation of open authoring, communications and dissemination infrastructures for the circumpolar region. Its aim is to work with, learn from, and empower the North and Arctic Peoples through open source technologies and applied education and training. By creating access to these technologies while promoting the creation of shared communications and data networks without costly overheads, continued and sustainable development of autonomous culture, traditional knowledge, science, technology and education opportunities for peoples in the North and Arctic regions is enabled.

Radio Student. Based in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, founded back in 1969 in ex-Yugoslavia, with 24 hours program and more than 200 regular contributors today, Radio Student is one of the oldest and the biggest independent and non-commercial radio stations in Europe, with a long tradition in radio art and the diverse field of contemporary investigative art practices, especially throug Ministry of Experiment project in 90′s and 00′s, and today through our Open radio art theory investigative platform RADAR.


Show 382: iT: “mouth sounds for heart beats”/”my two body are a buddy” by Radio Študent, Ljubljana

Photo: Nada Žgank

..it’s natural that every time the voice fades away with an exhale… that it disappears…it’s natural that the voices passes in and out of silence, that it holds onto, joins, disjoins with its opposite, that it exists with the opposite…its time exists and extends over the time of compressing the air out …when the air is pressed out, the voice is too…even when sipping air, it comes out as smothered creaking…the voice pushes itself against silence…its duration is between an inhale and an exhale…in between, it is cut off, interrupted, it breaks…it immerses itself in an inhale only to exhale… the unnatural is being born and is dying…

iT / Irena Tomažin is a dancer, performer and singer as well as being a postgraduate philosophy student at University of Ljubljana. Mostly working in dance and theater performances she collaborated with many different choreographers, directors and sound artist, performing in Slovenia as well as abroad in Europe and in Japan. In last 7 years she started to work more on voice – creating her own voice performances: “Hitchcock’s metamorphosis”, “Caprice”, “Caprice (re)lapsed”, “as a drop of rain into the mouth of silence”, “Splet okoliščin” with Josephine Evrard etc. With her solo project named “iT” for voice and dictaphones she works on her own experimental voice materials. As iT she has performed in Vienna, Berlin, Bratislava, Mostar, Belgrade (DisPatch), Budapest (UltraHang), Krakow, Koper, Ljubljana …

iT – Crying Games. »iT« is a large body of voices, intertwined into melodies, monologues, dialogues, taped and retaped into repeating loops, recorded over one another, blurred in noise or sharpened in isolation. There are voices from story fragments, torn from or placed into landscapes of songs and atmospheres. »Crying Games« are songs and spoken texts created since 2005, which have been reshaped through different improvisations and interpretations. Created from inspiration, drama texts, pop songs or mostly from »iT«’s experimenting with voices, they have gained independent acoustic worlds through dictaphones and tape recorders.

Radio Student. Based in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, founded back in 1969 in ex-Yugoslavia, with 24 hours program and more than 200 regular contributors today, Radio Student is one of the oldest and the biggest independent and non-commercial radio stations in Europe, with a long tradition in radio art and the diverse field of contemporary investigative art practices, especially throug Ministry of Experiment project in 90’s and 00’s, and today through our Open radio art theory investigative platform RADAR.

Show 360: Kunst und Brot – Salon des Refusés 2012/1 by Cirkulacija 2

In 2012 Cirkulacija 2 collective returns to the habit of using language as medium for communication – and publicly: a format denoted as “salon” as aesthetic outlet.

In the first instalment we prepared a radio show discussion hopefully touching some of the important conceptual approaches regarding the public appearances of Cirkulacija 2. While more abstractly coded radio broadcast could be used, we decided for the more basic approach – the discussion, the talk.

The composition (of dicussion) was defined as open-minded, and with it we wanted to force upon us the topics that could potentially be emotional – or: the topics would have to be emotionally solved. It is of course the question of individuals’ different views on some very basic approaches.

The dynamics of a group over the years is a varying organism. Some things get forgotten, some topics get consumed, there is a constant fight against boredom and disillusionment. Some rituals and definitions have to be changed – and some new introduced. The production of meaning – the ideology?

The language is the CE broken english style – as one would expect it from an international group of artists. Boštjan Leskovšek, Borut Savski, Stefan Doepner and – for a brief time – Neven Korda took part in emotioning.

Cirkulacija 2 is collective established in 2007 by a couple of artists dealing with so-called new-media approaches, strongly linked to multimedia and technology, the socially engaged public observation and opinions resulting in actions and experimentation on all levels.

The title is taken from a book by Pierre-Michel Menger dealing mainly with the question of precarious economy of artists.