All posts by Karl Schönswetter

Show 1006: shiny reflexions (Wiener Radia Kollektiv)

Erwin Reiter, Linz Foto: Barbara Huber

Another programme from the “Elements” series. Previous parts: Earth, water. This time it’s about metal.

“Heinrich, der Wagen bricht!” 
“Nein, Herr, der Wagen nicht, Es ist ein Band von meinem Herzen, 
Das da lag in großen Schmerzen, Als Ihr in dem Brunnen saßt 

Und in einen Frosch verzaubert wart.” 

Gebrüder Grimm – Der Froschkönig

The Viennese radia collective thematically revolves around the largest group of chemical elements. In addition to the collage of characteristic soundscapes, the group embarks on a fabulous and mystical search for clues.

A programme by (in alphabetical order):

Barbara Huber, Barbara Kaiser, Stefan Nussbaumer, Marian Potocar, Karl Schönswetter, Kaiser Wilhelm

Thanks to: Martina, Cuco

Recording Session at Radio Orange 94.0. f.l.t.r.: Karl Schönswetter, Barbara Huber, Barbara Kaiser, Stefan Nussbauer. Foto: Karl Schönswetter
spoken passages of text:

Peter Schilling – Metall (Song):

Metall Um meinen Hals
Metall Auf meiner Haut
Metall Wir fühlen nichts Doch uns geht es glänzend
Metall An meiner Hand
Metall Auf meinem Haupt
Metall Wir sind schön Wir sind blank polierte Menschen

A ballad poet (around 1887) – “Die Sage vom Erzberg” (The tale of the Erzberg):

Und wählet Ihr ein silbern Herz,
Wählt Ihr den gold’nen Fuß
Bedenkt, daß Silber und auch Gold
Gar bald Euch schwinden muß.
Doch wählet Ihr von dunklem Erz
Den festen Eisenhut,
Das Eisen, – ew’ge Zeiten währt’s,
Der Hut hält lang und gut.

Gebrüder Grimm – Der Froschkönig:

“Heinrich, der Wagen bricht!”
“Nein, Herr, der Wagen nicht,
Es ist ein Band von meinem Herzen,
Das da lag in großen Schmerzen,
Als Ihr in dem Brunnen saßt
Und in einen Frosch verzaubert wart.”

Ovid – Metamorphosen:


Aurea prima sata est aetas, quae vindice nullo, sponte sua, sine lege fidem rectumque colebat. poena metusque aberant, nec verba minantia fixo aere legebantur, nec supplex turba timebat iudicis ora sui, sed erant sine vindice tuti.


Als erstes entstand das Goldene Zeitalter, welches ohne einen Strafvollstrecker, freiwillig und ohne ein Gesetz immer die Aufrichtigkeit und das rechte Tun hochhielt. Strafe und Furcht gab es nicht, auch las man keine drohenden Worte, in Erz geschrieben; keine flehende Menge zitterte vor dem Spruch ihres Richters, sondern alle waren in Sicherheit ohne einen Rächer.


Show 1004: Stopcock (for Radia) by Clinton Green (Radio One 91 FM)

“Stopcock” was recorded July-August 2023, with malfunctioning Walkmans playing loose parts of themselves (speakers) rather than cassettes.

Clinton Green makes something akin to music. He has been active in Australian experimental music since the 1990s as a recording and performing artist, curator, facilitator, writer and researcher. He has worked with unconventional approaches to guitars, turntables and found objects as tools for new forms of musical expression. He has also worked with dancers, theatre and performance artists in improvised collaborative situations, and has developed a performance practice incorporating projections. Clinton runs the Shame File Music label and writes on/researches historical and contemporary aspects of Australian experimental music. He has completed artist residencies in Taiwan (2015) and Cradle Mountain, Tasmania (2017), and has performed/exhibited in Canada, Germany, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, and throughout Australia. His current interests include using deconstructed Walkmans as beat-generating machines, and processing text via compositional procedures and cassettes.

Photo credit – Colin Hodson

Show 990: The Whole World Stopped for a Balloon, Kanal 103 (Skopje)

“The Whole World Stopped…” is a collaborative compilation of field recordings, a patchwork of making music and narrating, underedited ad hoc experiment, and also a celebration of friendship, a soundscape where two friends meet—Joana and Stefan, both of them colleagues at Kanal 103.

Joana is a multi-instrumentalist, though her main focus is classical guitar. She does use both classical and electric guitar throughout the recording, as well as bontempi electro-acoustic keyboard and goblet drum. Three minutes into this experimental piece, you can hear Stefan’s voice, first telling about a street scene he witnessed downtown Skopje, then reading a poem from Elizabeth Bishop (“At the Fishhouses”) and a short story from Franz Kafka (“Before the Law”). Finally, in the conclusion, a fusion of washing machine centrifuge and a mandola played with a violin bow.

The work is an undisguised communication between music and storytelling, scarcely premeditated, if at all. Most of it is recorded at Partizan Print, a studio of independent artists in Skopje, and very good friends and collaborators with Kanal 103.

Created by Joana Risteska, classic guitar master and multi-instrumentalist, and Stefan Alijevikj, fiction writer and sound seeker. You can follow their radio shows on Kanal 103 Sunday and Tuesday evenings respectively.

Show 982: Jukebox Utopia’s Snapshot by Bianca Ludewig (Orange 94.0)

Today’s radia programme from the RADIA-Kollektiv-Vienna features the anthropologist Bianca Ludewig who researches music and sound and plays with records as Jukebox Utopia. She will introduce her radio piece Jukebox Utopia’s Snapshot that was part of the 2023 project Contingent Snapshot.

The following piece is a sound collage she produced as a contribution for the Contingent Snapshot project by Eugenia Seriakov and Francesco Zedde, which took place in Linz in September 2023 as part of STWST48hours open Radiolab and was broadcasted on various international radio stations. The core of the 12-hour programme consisted of contributions by the two curators exploring the facets and sounds of Linz, live improvisations by local and international musicians and sound contributions from their open call. For her audio snapshot, she associatively edited together found footage, sound pieces from her music archive and field recordings to create an audio essay for your enjoyment.

You can find Bianca Ludewig’s work here:

Show 966: If you love me, you can tell me by Elektro Kultura (Kanal 103)

Greatest Hits by Elektro Kultura

Elektro Kultura is the solo project by Vladimir Muratovski Divo – a punk and social poet hailing from the streets of Skopje, Macedonia.

On Skopje’s Liberation Day (13.11.2022), he had his second, long awaited live performance at Kanal 103 radio. After he finished his repertoire, the packed crowd in the studio wanted for more. He briefly answered: “Real punks don’t do encore”.

This is the slightly edited recording of our little off programme afterparty.

Show 958: Coming up for air (Radio Orange 94.0)

by Vienna Radia Collective feat. Stefan Nussbaumer

Oops, something has happened! The microphone fell into the water. Quel Malheur! Thank goodness our special guest Stefan Nussbaumer shrink-wrapped the microphones and nothing happened to them. So, by chance and without intention, exciting worlds of sound opened up that we don’t want to deprive you of. Have a nice summer! (… and happy winter to Sally & Jon!)

A really wet programme by Karl Schönswetter, Stefan Nussbauer, Barbara Kaiser, Barbara Huber, Milada Huber and Nikola Huber.


Vienna Radia Collective
Stefan Nussbaumer

Photography: Vienna Radia Collective, Karl Schönswetter

Show 940: Born With Pain (Kanal 103)

Photo by Jelena Belikj

The episode is an audio recording of the performance “Confutatis – What are the heroes made of?”, premiered on 28.10.2022 in Prishtina, Kosovo, as part of the  Manifesta 14, the European Nomadic Biennial. It’s been slightly edited for the purposes of the format.

“Why do some people become heroes and others not? What kind of shining lights do we need, and of what might they be made? Skopje-based artist Velimir Zernovski joins forces with the Physical Performative Theater ensemble to explore these and other questions around the politics of power, marginalization and belonging. Instigated by Biljana Dimitrova, the performance enacts rituals of mourning for the living beings we have lost and are losing, many of them through neglect.”

“Confutatis – what are heroes made of?” is a performance by Velimir Zernovski in collaboration with Kolektiv Veternica & Trisomija 21, both from Skopje.

Music by Joana Risteska & Filip Mitrov, based on the motifs of the Macedonian traditional folk song “I Was Born With Pain” (So maki sum se rodila).

Photo by Jelena Belikj

Recorded and edited by Gjorgji Janevski


In loving memory of Filip Mitrov

Show 934: SONIC COLLECTIVITY by Trashkot (Guest Slot)

Trashkot is the name under which artists Jo Caimo and Sjoerd Leijten have been making radio since 2018 on Radio Centraal 106.7 FM in Antwerp. SONIC COLLECTIVITY is a collage piece created from their extensive audio archive. The piece explores the invisible space in which we connect: the sonic. Artistic, activist, dadaistic, musical and other sonic collectives can be heard throughout this piece forming a massive community of resonance and resistance. The piece consists of fragments of interviews, works, music, field recordings and other hard-to-categorize audio material that could be heard earlier on Trashkot by Verena Barié, , Gerri Jäger, Jeanne-Marie Knops, Andreas Malm, numina_gneisspecker, Varkenshond, Stijn Verhoeff,  and different pieces from the radio makers themselves. The contributions by Peter Cusack, Davide Tidoni and Salomé Voegelin are fragments from the larger sonic essay RADICAL MURMUR by Trashlinie, which was published in Collateral.

Trashkot is a bi-weekly radio program by Jo Caimo and Sjoerd Leijten on Radio Centraal in Antwerp. A rancid tissue of sounds, conversations and garbage forms a shaky bridge between music and politics.

Every two weeks on Sunday from 3 pm to 4.30 pm. Radio Centraal broadcasts in and around Antwerp on 106.7 FM. Outside of Antwerp you can listen via tShhe stream:

All archived episodes can be found down here

Show 933: LOOP liminal (Wiener Radia Kollektiv, Radio Orange 94.0)

Credits: Pixabay User wilhei (id 883152)

In our search for an acoustic equivalent of a liminal space, we found it in the sound aesthetics of waiting loops. The dissolution of time into emotion throws the listeners back on themselves, on their own acoustic equivalent of a liminal space in the sound aesthetics of a waiting loop. The dissolution of emotion into time does not take place. Press “0” if you want to be forwarded, press “1” if you like to wait in the queue. If there is no input, you are automatically forwarded.

Radio Show by:

Barbara Huber
Barbara Kaiser
Karl Schönswetter

Thanks to:

Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Peter Wetzelsberger


by google translate


Donauwalzer by Johann Strauss (Sohn) downloaded from
All others by brrr

Show 0913: Shentov, Simitchiev, Lukanov – Live in Skopje (Kanal103)

The episode consists of an excerpt from the bootleg recording of Shentov, Simitchiev, Lukanov’s performance at the Museum Of Contemporary Art Skopje from July 2022. This was the second performance of the drone trio outside of their native Bulgaria (the first one was a day earlier at the Macedonian radio Kanal 103). The performance took place on the museum patio, with parts of Skopje and the sun setting behind the mountains. 

It was part of the Amek Collective & Kontingent Records label showcase organized by KRIK – festival of critical culture in Skopje.