Show 1004: Stopcock (for Radia) by Clinton Green (Radio One 91 FM)

“Stopcock” was recorded July-August 2023, with malfunctioning Walkmans playing loose parts of themselves (speakers) rather than cassettes.

Clinton Green makes something akin to music. He has been active in Australian experimental music since the 1990s as a recording and performing artist, curator, facilitator, writer and researcher. He has worked with unconventional approaches to guitars, turntables and found objects as tools for new forms of musical expression. He has also worked with dancers, theatre and performance artists in improvised collaborative situations, and has developed a performance practice incorporating projections. Clinton runs the Shame File Music label and writes on/researches historical and contemporary aspects of Australian experimental music. He has completed artist residencies in Taiwan (2015) and Cradle Mountain, Tasmania (2017), and has performed/exhibited in Canada, Germany, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, and throughout Australia. His current interests include using deconstructed Walkmans as beat-generating machines, and processing text via compositional procedures and cassettes.

Photo credit – Colin Hodson

Show1003 : The Jingle Book by Alan Dunn (TT Node)

During lockdown, artist Alan Dunn established ‘orchestras’ across seven dementia care homes, using everyday objects as instruments and tongue twisters as lyrics. To everyone’s surprise, these tongue twisters became a precious activity, with participants (and the artist’s 6-year-old grandson) creating new ones, reciting them in different styles and even mastering some of the world’s hardest ones! This new mix brings together versions from one of the care villages in Chester that was part of the longer Where the Arts Belong research project between Bluecoat and Belong. The recent publication The Jingle Book documents these tongue twister adventures that brought laughter and new verbal fluency to many during dark times:

Show 1002: Sasayaki o kiitekudasai (Usmaradio)

Vittoria Assembri is an experimental sound artist and independent researcher in sonic arts and public architecture. Her sound research is about field recording, sound objects, experimental music that reflect on the theme of marginal and liminal territory, in close relationship with urban plans and its crossing (human and non-human).

Her practice develops from site-specific deep listening, focusing on urban dynamics, sociocultural processes and public sphere, with which to rewrite an affective and political landscape of resistance.

Vittoria is currently in Japan since the beginning of May, where she is doing a live performance tour and working on a few artistic residencies’ projects (Kyoto Kinugasa Art Residence for Community in Kyoto, Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Lake Haruna Artist Residence). 

This track is a cut-up of her analog and digital recordings around Japan: Haruna and Fuji-san volcanoes, Kinugasa district in Kyoto, tatami’s and bonsai’s artisans in Okayama, izakayas in Shinjuku-Tokyo, Taka-san cellist, nightingale flooring of the Ryōn-ji Temple, shishi odoshi, radio fm-am interferences, jingles and alerts from megaphone loudspeaker, Aomori forest’s fauna, memorial songs from inhabitants and fishermen of the Haruna cadera, etc.



Usmaradio – Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per la Radiofonia (CRIR) / Interdepartmental Research Centre for Radio Studies, is a workplace of The School of Radio to develop an innovative radio pedagogy. Workshops, work sessions, meetings, presentations of live performance as sections of the project. Produced by UNIRSM | Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino. / /