Special: 3 JOURNEYS THROUGH RADIA, JOURNEY 1 by Etienne Noiseau

Kunstradio asked Etienne Noiseau from the crew of Radio Grenouille in Marseille for a selection of recent pieces from Radia. He replied with a three-show series that would include the best pieces (to his opinion) of all the Radia stations during the 2006-2007 period. With Floriane Pochon who is the presenter of the weekly Radia show on Radio Grenouille, they selected fourteen pieces, i.e. one piece per Radia station during the period.

Then Etienne selected one relevant excerpt per piece. He based his choice only on sound affinities and combined all the excerpts one another into three pieces so as to form “3 journeys through Radia”.


First journey through the universe of Radia,
Possibly, as if, sometimes, we could take the time to give us space,
Possibly, as if the world could twist and re-form itself, dissolve or burst in snatches of universes that last a few seconds and then get lost in a multitude of temporary eternities.

First steps out of line, somewhere along these lines of sight that render any running away impossible, and necessary, dangerous and salutary.

First stage,
Possibly, as if we could fill up digestive and cathode-ray tubes, as if we could fall down through vertical skylines and eventually, possibly, feed ghost towns where resound the leprous shades of memory, inner crowds fooling around.

First wandering,
Possibly, as if we could think into familiar voices that cancel us out, beating time excesses,
Possibly, as if a wave of reminiscences could hold us up, back ground swell of sounds.

First deviance,
Possibly, as if people of a sound mind could soon be driven mad but not sad, even if… a fit of laughter…

So what’s the point?
That of no return, of course, because sometimes, we can’t get over it, and it sounds as a spell.

(text by Floriane Pochon)


PIECE: Assembly line story (show #83)
ARTIST: Ricardo Reis
GENRE: collage
RADIO: Rádio Zero, Lissabon

PIECE: Algérienne (show #116)
ARTIST: Vincent Matyn-Wallecan
GENRE: documentary / electroacoustic composition
RADIO: Radio Panik, Brüssel

PIECE: no title or the Tape-beatles on Radia (show #119)
ARTIST: The Tape-beatles
GENRE: plunderphonics / collage
RADIO: Resonance, London

PIECE: FieldRec_Sofia (show #69)
ARTIST: esem (aka Georgi Marinov)
GENRE: phonography
RADIO: Radio Cult, Sofia (now Bulgarian member is Interspace: http://www.i-space.org/)

PIECE: Retro-Sono-Grafia (show #99)
ARTIST: Jan Dufek from a show by Lasonick, Jan Dufek and Ladislav Železný
GENRE: collage / mix
RADIO: Lemurie TAZ, Prag