The next Radia show by Tilos is a complete mix of the synthetic and the organic the first part is a live performance by Hungarian artist Mike Rosoft at the UltraSound Festival (Budapest, 2007 Spring). Attila Kenyeres is using his Apple computer to make soundscapes, and his first album at the Hungarian netlabel Syrup is called An Hour.
To make a full proof of what the Machintosh is good for in case of no matter how wet or dry weather, the second part is a fluid sample from the Thematic Day on the Danube at Tilos. It features Hungarian poet Attila József’s poem At the Danube first in Romanian, then in a 4-voice chorus in Hungarian with the sounds of a walk at the Danube in the background. (Although we don’t speak any Romanian here either – you’ll hear how easier it is to understand if you know French, Italian or other Latin-related languages than our Finno-Ugrian original – and that is not only because the Hungarian voice is quadruple.) The Romanian version is poetry and language for its own sake accompanied by music exclusively following the mood of the recital.