All posts by knut

Show 041: Ressonoria – The Airport – Republic of the sound by tkrst

length: 30 min
language: Bulgaria
Radia jingle: no


Ressonoria – The Airport – Republic of the sound.
A mockumentary by tkrst
About tkrst:

Graduated in Theatre critics.
No music education.
Seriously involved in music for 15 years through different bands and frequently ceased projects.
Working as tkrst – solo – since 2000.
I investigate the social and political connections that music is burdened to maintain.
Mediocre anarchist soul.

Recent projects include:

About Resonoria


Anti-utopic static story about a country-airport,
The whole political moral is manifested in forcing absurd sound limits, frequency sell, prison for violators.
Anti-utopia aimed at the airport of all sound experimentalists, full of bites- like the name of the airport is called ” frequenz shumen” (shumen is “noisy” in bulgarian). of course the end the naivety smashes the airport and ends the game.

Show 040: Dead by Dawn by Tom Wallace

Radia Season 5 show 1 (Radia 40) from Resonance FM
Dead by Dawn
This radio piece by Tom Wallace deals with clinical reports of people (mainly young drug abusers) who die whilst in hospital. The reading of their unfortunate medical histories is underscored with an electronic music composition made from hospital noises. The piece has been played once on Resonance fm, but was hidden in a larger programme due to the sensitivity of the theme.

Show 039: wien wie es klingt by Gerhard Rühm

“wien wie es klingt” by Gerhard Rühm

the radioplay “wien wie es klingt” places 24 significant listening spots of the austrian capital vienna into the framework of a daily routine – something like an acoustic equivalent to two sets of postcards. it begins in the early morning with the arrival at the railway station. the thematic middle of the piece is marked by the ringing of the bells of st. stephen’s cathedral in the center of the city at noon, and the piece ends in the late evening with the departure from the airport at schwechat. strewn in between is a tourist programme which could hardly be accomplished in one day. a compressed 47 minute sequence was distilled from the 12 hours of recording and arranged roughly chronologically with regard to normal visiting times in the morning, afternoon, and evening but precluding any kind of realistic plot by making geographical leaps all over the city. Produced in 1991/1992 for the series METROPOLIS at the WDR, Köln (Studio for Akustischer Kunst) in co-production with ORF Kunstradio, Wien.

Show 037: greetings from vienna – acoustic postcards

contributed by orange 94.0, vienna

greetings from vienna – acoustic postcards
how does vienna sound? what is typical and what is untypical? are there specific every-day sounds which only exist in vienna? do audible counterparts of sights exist? what does the dignity of sounds consist of? when do they become replaceable?

this radia contribution gathers sound miniatures of 17 artists, each based on an original sound recorded in vienna. artists in order of appearance: astrid schwarz, werner moebius, the zombiemouse aka karl kilian, ilse chlan, raumschiff engelmayr, johannes paul heilig, joerg piringer, lale rodgarkia-dara, arno splinks, barbara kaiser, bernhard gal, ernst reitermaier, arnold haberl aka noid, ulrich troyer, kera nagel, andré aspelmeier aka gradcom

Show 035: song about a bird by Marko Stoimenov and friends

part one: song about a bird
artist: marko stoimenov and friends

song about a bird was started as experimental film project. its recorded at marko stoimenovs (video artist) apartment in belgrade when he and his friends was having fun after some film festival or after party… and spontaneously started to shoot things that they were doing with a camera. his room is surrounded with dvd surround system so when they were shooting the stuff they were playing, sound was delayed thru the surround system, going in circle and making strange delay effect. they were playing guitar, other strange home prepared instruments and stuff that produces sound as well as singing. a girl from brazil was singing lyrics from some song called about a bird which can be the name of this project. other markos friends were included, like artist vladimir lukash from skopje. you can also hear singing and talking on serbian and macedonian. marko showed me this videos when i was staying at his place in belgrade and i was thinking that it is really interesting also as a sound. exactly there is a story behind this brazilian poem but i cant remember what was it… listen to it and imagine the story. its up to u… as always

part two: normal music

second part is non pretentious ambient/clicks n cuts mix consisted from couple tracks from labels zeromoon and acid fake /
choice/mix: every kid on speed
project – trackname – release (label)
– normal music – close your eyes and you too can make normal music – generic (zeromoon)
– arturas bumsteinas – retourneau – placido (zeromoon)
– normal music – acid binario – acid takes (acid fake)
– cd-r – plateaux – hide and seek (zeromoon)

Show 034: Addicted to Life by The Marta

…directly from Porto by The Marta et al

The Revolution is in danger!…and the human being, too!

Human being failures, error and non sense are the fields of study of The Marta. There is beauty in all of this. In the last 5 minutes the story of the first 55 is told, introducing all characteres of this psych-experimental voyage.

The Marta – all except:
Brian von Kuba aka Macaco Mau aka Donald Bush(2003) – technological juggling
Anne Grabow aka Ted Minsky – last guitar piece

Show 010: devolve into II – a special Mix

devolve into II – a special Mix

by Peter Courtemanche and Lori Weidenhammer (Vancouver), Roberto Paci Dalo’ (Rimini), Kim Dawn and Scott Russell (Vancouver), Maex Decker and Ushi Reiter (Linz), Andrew Garton (Melbourne), Ken Gregory (Winnipeg), Emilia Telese and Tim Mark Didymus (Brighton), Wolfgang Temmel (Wies, Steiermark), and Fujui Wang (Taipei).

an ongoing networked streaming project with several on site-versions, a series of on air renderings and a CD version. “devolve into II..” was launched on January 17th, 2002. A coproduction of Kunstradio and Western Front, Vancouver

This Mix was done from a CD with 35 tracks played in radmon mode.

more information can be found under:

Show 009: Wet Interviews

a cut of a 2-hours livestreaming performance at the lavatory of a
turkish/kurdish restaurant in vienna
bilingual turkish/english
topic: turkey and the rest of europe
during the performance the very narrow lavatory of the restaurant was completely crowded. the turkish speaking participants who did radio for the first time in the end actually had become the moderators of the show.
the german speaking participants where not allowed to speak german to mirror the fact that in the globalized world we increasingly have to manage our existence as tourists and foreigners.

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