Show 605: (T)HERE by Keith W Clancy (eastsidefm)


“(T)HERE” is one of a series of works I have made mediating electronic and acoustic sound to create imaginary spaces that nonetheless refer to an actual place. At the back of my garden there is a wall that at night reflects sound coming from the rubbish disposal operation centre some kilometres away. This piece is made entirely (with the exception of the two drones that come to prominence in the second half) from recordings made on the walk from my back room where I worked on it all the way down to the rubbish centre: traffic sounds, trucks loading, beeps and alarms, birdsong from blackbirds and currawongs, rain and insect sounds, reflected echoes from a distance etc. Many sounds are heavily granulated and pulverised to become abstracted noises with something of the original timbre preserved. The high pitched “strings” are concrete sounds put through filters tuned to the pitches present in the song of the blackbird. The basic pitches of the two drones in the piece are tuned to the birdsong as well. The basic idea of this and other environmentally derived works like it is to present and simultaneously disrupt this “tuning of the world”.

Keith W Clancy is a Melbourne-based composer, sound, video and installation artist. He currently studies sound at RMIT and was trained primarily in philosophy and fine arts some time late last century. His most recent work was “Corrective Services” for computer controlled organ and electronics performed on the grand organ of the Melbourne Town Hall ( He also performs and records long-form drone works under the name Wolftöne (

Show 603: Postcards from ISISTANBUL by 2/5BZ, aka Serhat Köksal (


Selected set pieces from Gozel Radio’s 2014-2016  broadcasts : ” Postcards from ISISTANBUL ” .
New global power complexes demand new multi-sensory ways of seeing power and sensing one’s own position in it: new sets of sensory politics. Following the concept of “altered states”—a geopolitics spectralized by sensory overload and dispossession and by the relocation of power in the post-democratic or post-digital era— the 2/5BZ works ” SERHILDUB vs. ISISTANBUL ” reconsider what is (or was) referred to as  Sustainable ISISolation States, TISA-ISIStanbul Hologram Doctrines, Spywarezullah Harassment Agencies, Golden Age Palaverel Universes, Eurottoman and Nattoman Empire/Autonomie of Hardcore Ultra Modernism.
2/5BZ, aka Serhat Köksal, has worked as a multimedia artist with various releases in video, music, and literary formats since 1991. The work often balances on the verge of trash, and continuously engages with remakes and collages of music, cinema, speech, and field recordings. 2/5BZ has performed live audiovisual performances under motto ”NO Touristik NO Exotik” in 91 cities in clubs, festivals, squats, and exhibitions.

Show 602: Otitis media 29 (excerpt): Con-(fi)-re 02 (Radio Student)

2014-11-03-om-29-con-fi-re-02-33469 (1)

Paul B. Preciado calls for the universal use of dildos in order to denaturalize sexuality, to infect it with a thing that is not a copy of a penis but an object that is both a way to appropriate the ass as the universal passive and non-reproductive organ that all people have and a way to multiply sexual acts, distributing them throughout the whole body. In this radio show, simply called “OM 29 – Co-Fi-Re (Conceptual Field Recording) 2”, I’ve tried to create an analogon to this notion of denaturalization, which this time comes in the shape of denaturalization of the machine of mechanic reproduction, the recording device Zoom H2N, which is no longer used only as a device to reproduce reality, but a device which directly addresses the feelings of a subject who holds it. Denaturalization comes hand in hand with the fact that on the secondary level the recording device is still doing what it was devised to do ñ it records ñ but its primary practice is interwoven with the subject, who is afraid of walking in the dark in the foreign country and in the fields xe has never walked before. Subject knows what can xe expect, but xe never experienced it before. The flow of affects is pouring in xem, but the only thing to reassure xem that xe will be all right, is the device, which was primarily meant to only reproduce reality. The recording device Zoom H2N stops reproducing reality and stops being a substitute machine for capturing reality and becomes something else. (Andrej Tomaûin)

Show 601: Dive (Wave Farm / WGXC)

Dive into the Wave Farm pond to hear a different sort of radio waves this week. Zach Poff’s Pond Station is a set of hydrophones at the bottom of one of the ponds at Wave Farm in rural New York. The solar-powered webstream runs from dawn until dusk, and, occasionally, artists interact with the waves. Hear, listen to artist Zach Poff explain the pond station, and hear artists Ralph Lewis and Jeffrey Leppendorf play with the pond sounds. Also, Neptune’s “Marconi’s Belief” opens the show.