Show 150: Giza é ruh

Giza é ruh is a music-/soundethnological project by kutin peter, lercher daniel & wilding barbara

the 3 artists travelled through various places of northern india for 3 months, doing field-recordings and were always seeking for native musicians. Alltogether they recorded around 70 hours of different material .
these recordings include religious music / ceremonies by buddhist, muslim, hindu and sikh culture
traditional music & instruments from tibet, ladakh & northern india
soundscapes of the natural enviromnment and it´s animals, or the massive collage of noises from india´s capital delhi, the silence that can be found in the himalayan mountain ranges, children singing, people praying, shouting, laughing, screaming, orakels healing or telling the future
sounds and instruments used by normads that travell through the vast deserts up in the himalayan mountains, and so much more…
the following radio play, which was created for radia, focuses on music & sounds that can be found in hinuduistic and buddhistic culture. So, while the first part consits only of
hindu-sounds & music , the second part is strictly buddhistic .
on the artist´s homepage you can find more information about “giza é ruh” and even download a pdf – file which includes detailed information about the sounds appearing in the following radio-play.