Tag Archives: TEA FM

Show 713: TEA FM. Sounds views from another places

A brief resume from 10 years of radio creation and experimentation workshop, trying to make posible another kind of radio broadcasts.

Three words are our rules:

Imaginationnoun) imag·​i·​na·​tion | \i-ˌma-jə-ˈnā-shən  \

1: the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality

2a: creative ability

b: ability to confront and deal with a problem : RESOURCEFULNESS

use your imagination and get us out of here

c: the thinking or active mind : INTERESTstories that fired the imagination

3a: a creation of the mindespecially : an idealized or poetic creation

b: fanciful or empty assumptio


Creativity (noun) cre·​a·​tiv·​i·​ty | \ˌkrē-(ˌ)ā-ˈti-və-tē,  ˌkrē-ə-\

Definition of creativity

1 : the ability to create

her artistic creativity

2 : the quality of being creative


Risk (noun) \ˈrisk  \

Definition of risk (Entry 1 of 2)

1 : possibility of loss or injury : PERIL

2 : someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard

3a : the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract

also : the degree of probability of such loss

b : a person or thing that is a specified hazard to an insurer

c : an insurance hazard from a specified cause or source

war risk

4 : the chance that an investment (such as a stock or commodity) will lose value


at risk

: in a state or condition marked by a high level of risk or susceptibility

patients at risk of infection


Risk (verb) risked; risking; risks

Definition of risk (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1 : to expose to hazard or danger

risked her life

2 : to incur the risk or danger of

risked breaking his neck


With the talent and voices of Santi Ric, Máximo Pinilla, Luis Trébol, Miguel Angel Lordán, and all the students from TCR TEA FM

Show 685: Sensathesia (TEA FM)

Sensation is the body’s detection of external or internal stimulation (e.g., eyes detecting light waves, ears detecting sound waves). Perception utilizes the brain to make sense of the stimulation (e.g., seeing a chair, hearing a guitar).

Sensation involves three steps:

  • Sensory receptors detect stimuli.
  • Sensory stimuli are transduced into electrical impulses (action potentials) to be decoded by the brain.
  • Electrical impulses move along neural pathways to specific parts of the brain wherein the impulses are decoded into useful information (perception).

For example, when touched by a soft feather, mechanoreceptors – which are sensory receptors in the skin – register that the skin has been touched. That sensory information is then turned into neural information through a process called transduction. Next, the neural information travels down neural pathways to the appropriate part of the brain, wherein the sensations are perceived as the touch of a feather.

Children are often taught five basic senses: seeing (i.e., vision), hearing (i.e., audition), tasting (i.e., gustation), smelling (i.e., olfaction), and touching. However, there are actually many more senses including vestibular sense, kinesthetic sense, sense of thirst, sense of hunger, and cutaneous sense.

Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway (e.g., hearing) leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway (e.g., vision). Simply put, when one sense is activated, another unrelated sense is activated at the same time. This may, for instance, take the form of hearing music and simultaneously sensing the sound as swirls or patterns of color. Since synesthesia can involve any combination of the senses, there may be as many as 60 to 80 or subtypes, but not all have been documented or studied, and the cause is unclear.

The most commonly seen type is grapheme-color synesthesia, in which individual letters and numbers are associated with specific colors and sometimes colorful patterns. Some synesthetes perceive texture in response to sight, hear sounds in response to smells, or associate shapes with flavors.

Many synesthetes have more than one type of synesthesia. It is estimated that approximately 3 to 5 percent of the population has some form of synesthesia, and the condition can run in families.

How can we explain the result if you mix sensation and synesthesia with the human sound perception?

We call it Sensathesia. This is a work born from the imagination of the Itinerary of Radio TCR 10.1 from TEA FM Radio School based on an original idea from Laura Sierra and Stel Garcia.



Although usual, the works of sound creation of TEA FM always look around to press the environment and look for those sounds that are hidden behind the silence or the screams, as both contaminate the speech and the listening.

In these days, almost all the sounds that arrive at any place of Europe from our latitudes refer to Catalonia.

IMAGE: El Periodico de Aragon. April 23th 1992. Aragonese people in front of Spanish Parliament, Madrid.


What is here called “train crash”, which is nothing more than a dialogue of the deaf in which neither party is able to hear the contrary to arrive at a valid conclusion, stifles any other claim or protest as valid or more like “Votarem”

This creative documentary that TEA FM puts in your ears is born of our own Aragonese identity. Aragon, an uninhabited territory (along with Lapland, of which the least inhabitants per square kilometer has in all Europe), with a proper language that is only speak by 12000 people and that is cataloged like the more reduced language than those that exist in Europe and a population of just over one million people aged and dispersed in a territory with the size of Switzerland.

What we put in your ears is not a claim program. Nor it meant to be informative. We just want you to listen to those sounds that exist and are not heard from the protests that have been produced and are taking place right now in Aragon for many years and are deaf to the media noise of who only wants public opinion to look in one other direction.

Because despite what it seems … NOT ALL HAPPENS IN CATALONIA


Como es habitual, los trabajos de creación sonora de TEA FM miran a su alrededor para pulsar el entorno y buscar esos sonidos que quedan ocultos tras el silencio o los gritos, pues ambos contaminan el discurso y la escucha.

En estos días, casi todos los sonidos que llegan a cualquier lugar de Europa desde nuestras latitudes se refieren a Cataluña.

Lo que aquí se está denominando “choque de trenes” y que no es más que un diálogo de sordos en el que ninguna de las partes es capaz de escuchar al contrario para llegar a una conclusión válida, ahoga cualquier otra reivindicación o protesta tan válida o más como la del “Votarem”

Este documental de creación que TEA FM pone en tus oídos nace de nuestra propia identidad aragonesa. Aragón, un territorio despoblado (junto con Laponia, de los que menos habitantes por kilometro cuadrado tiene en toda Europa), con una lengua propia que tan solo hablan 12000 personas y que está catalogada como la lengua más minorizada de las que existen en Europa y una población de poco más de un millón de personas envejecida y dispersa en un territorio del tamaño de Suiza.

Lo que ponemos en vuestros oídos no es un programa reivindicativo. Tampoco pretende ser informativo. Solo queremos que escuchéis aquellos sonidos que existen y no se oyen de las protestas que se han producido y producen en Aragón desde hace muchos años y que quedan sordos ante el ruido mediático de quien solo quiere que la opinión pública mire en una dirección.

Porque a pesar de lo que parezca… NO TODO PASA EN CATALUÑA




Dreams. Mysterious, bewildering, eye-opening and sometimes a nightmarish living hell: dreams are all that and much more.
As you may know that dream and sleep is not the same thing so dreams and sleep facts are mentioned separately in this program. By close listening, you will skip dreams facts and will navigate directly to cool facts about sleep.

Dreams are an art form in which each of us acts as the sole scriptwriter, director, and producer. Dreams usually reflect current concerns. They integrate past data with recent experience and express the information metaphorically in the form of visual images.
“A dream that is not explained is like a letter that has not been read.” (author unknown)
Dreams can be interpreted on an ‘objective’ or ‘subjective’ level:
Objective—elements in the dream are related to external events and the person.
Subjective—elements in the dream are all strictly seen as part of the dreamer.
Dream symbols are specific to each person, although shared cultural contexts clearly play a role. Symbols arise out of the specific life history of each individual, and it is only within this context that their meaning can be interpreted.
Meaning is determined by the individual’s own biographical events, life experiences, and past relationships.
Let’s close your eyes, listen and… dream.

A TEA FM Creative Radio Workshop Broadcast for RADIA.

Show 600: Special Collage by Chuse Fernandez (Tea FM)

600 is a wonderful number. Can you hear it?

The Radia Network emerged from a series of meetings, clandestine events, late night club discussions and a lot of email exchanges between cultural radio producers across Europe.
The topics vary and the reasons for forming a network are many, but Radia has become a concrete manifestation of the desire to use radio as an art form.
The approaches differ, as do the local contexts; from commissioned radio art works to struggles for frequencies to copyright concerns, all the radios share the goal of an audio space where something different can happen. That different is also a form in the making – radio sounds different in each city, on each frequency. Taking radio as an art form, claiming that space for creative production in the mediascape and cracking apart the notion of radio is what Radia does.
On 3–7 February 2005, there was a first meeting of radio stations in Berlin under the banner of NERA (New European Radio Art). The decision was taken to start a broadcast season the following April, and an email discussion list was set up on which the name Radia was finally settled on.
The originally Radia found members were 9 radio stations and now we are 29 radio stations, webradios and art-radio projects that broadcast the Radia weekly show and produce shows in turns.
Can you hear it? This is creativity and sound art. This is RADIA. Welcome.

Show 574: Travel Sounds (TEA FM)

banner Radia 574Cuando viajas, un mundo de sonidos, ambientes y voces crece y evoluciona a tu alrededor. Es un buen ejercicio prestar atención a ese universo sonoro para descubrir aquellos detalles escindidos tras una voz de niño, una llamada de aviso o un motor lejano.


When you make a journey, a world of sounds, voices environments grows and evolves around you. It is a good exercise to pay attention to the sound universe around you to discover those details split after a child’s voice, a call warning or a distant motor.
A sound work from Chuse Fernandez with sound captures from Aragon, Spain and Colombia.

Show 550: James Joyce. The Sound of Words.


What better way to know James Joyce than his invented words. He was born in Rathgar, on the outskirts of Dublin, in 1882. Although he spent much of his life living and working on the continent — he died in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1941 — Joyce maintained close ties with Ireland, and used it as the setting for all of his major literary works, including A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), Ulysses (1922) and Finnegan’s Wake (1939).

Known for his playful and endlessly creative use of words, Joyce invented a whole host of often fairly outlandish words and phrases in his writing, a handful of which have made their way into the more obscure corners of the dictionary. The stories behind seventeen of his most brilliant and most bizarre inventions are explored here.

With the help and support of Bernard Clarke from Ireland. A radioart documentary by Chuse Fernandez.

A TEA FM Radio Workshop Production. 2015.

Show 525: Interstellar Sounds (TEA FM)

“Interstellar Sounds” is an experimental sound work where we can hear all together sound from outer space, NASA historical archives and many other sounds and natural radio broadcasts from far stars.
It’s better to hear it with earphones and with closed eyes to rise all the details of this work.
The masterline of this radio work is the sentence “We aren’t travel in the space alone”
At the same time, humans usually think they are the center of the universe and they are seeking and searching another life outside Earth, maybe to learn from them, but why not human race could be looking for life outside to feel like a superior race.
A sound project produced by Chuse Fernandez for TEA FM Radio Workshop
Cuan o espazio suena/Interstellar Sounds ye un triballo esperimental an s’achuntan sons de l’espazio esterior, grabazions istoricas d’a NASA e atros sonius y emisions de radio d’as estrelas lexanas.
Cal ascuitar-ne con auriculars y con os guellos zarraus ta plegar a l’intenzión d’o triballo.
Que no semos solencos en a inmensidá d’o espacio ye una cosa platera de raso.
Alabéz, os umanos mos pensamos que semos o melico d’a galasia y amás amás escamos y rechiramos arredol de nusatros atrás formas de bida, puestar que ta aprender d’atrás culturas pero también puestar que rechiremos ta beyernos como sers alteros y superiors.

Show 500: Une libération (sonore) de Paris. 1944-2014 (TEA FM)

La libération de Paris pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale a eu lieu du 19 au 25 août 1944, marquant ainsi la fin de la bataille de Paris. Cet épisode met fin à quatre années d’occupation de la capitale française.

La résistance parisienne, est commandée par Rol-Tanguy responsable régional des FFI pour l’Île-de-France depuis son poste de commandement sous la place Denfert-Rochereau et par le colonel Lizé (de son vrai nom, Jean de Marguerittes), chef des FFI de la Seine (dont le PC est installé 1, rue Guénégaud, tout près de l’hôtel des Monnaies). Jacques Chaban-Delmas est le délégué militaire national du gouvernement provisoire ; il accueille le général Leclerc.
Elle est pauvrement équipée (elle n’a même pas de liaison radio avec l’extérieur) mais enthousiaste, encercle les îlots de défense allemands. L’occupant se trouve en position défensive, une division SS est mise en mouvement vers Paris pour renforcer l’armée allemande. Il est à prévoir qu’elle obéira sans état d’âme aux ordres de destruction d’Hitler. Avec l’annonce de l’avance rapide des Alliés sur Paris depuis la victoire de la poche de Falaise, les cheminots se mettent en grève le 10 août, suivis par le métro de Paris,la gendarmerie le 13 août. La police se soulève le 15 août, suivie des postiers le jour suivant. Ils sont rejoints par d’autres ouvriers de la ville quand la grève générale éclate le 18 août. Des barricades sont dressées, entravant les mouvements des véhicules allemands, et des escarmouches contre les forces allemandes d’occupation, épaulées par des membres de la Milice10,11 restés à Paris malgré le repli général des miliciens quelques jours plus tôt, commencent à devenir sérieuses les jours suivants, atteignant leur maximum le 22. De sérieux combats ont lieu à la préfecture de police, occupée par les policiers insurgés dès le matin du 19 août13.
Une trêve est conclue, trêve qui permet à chacun des camps soit d’évacuer la capitale pour les Allemands, soit de conforter ses positions, pour la Résistance.
En marge des évènements de la capitale, des accrochages et embuscades sont organisés par des partisans et résistants en banlieue parisienne.
Les insurgés, faute de munitions, n’auraient pas pu tenir longtemps : la résistance intérieure envoie en mission le commandant Cocteau (« Gallois »), chef d’état-major du colonel Rol-Tanguy, auprès du général Patton pour signaler aux Américains que la moitié de la ville est libérée le 23, mais que la situation des résistants est critique. Devant cette situation désespérée, ayant obtenu l’accord de De Gaulle, qui rappelle à Eisenhower sa promesse faite à Alger en décembre 1943 que la libération de Paris serait confiée à une unité française, le général Leclerc force la main aux Américains en donnant l’ordre de marche sur Paris aux éléments de reconnaissance de sa 2e division blindée française. Le général américain Gerow, supérieur hiérarchique de Leclerc, est furieux, considérant cela comme une insubordination.
Eisenhower doutant de pouvoir retenir les Français finit par accepter et envoie la 4e division d’infanterie américaine en renfort.
Avec les voix et les sons de Paris 1944 et 2014.
Un travail sonore par Chuse Fernandez

Show 476: Randonée sonore vers la France

El paisaje sonoro es la parte olvidada del entorno.
La imagen nubla y desvirtua en muchas ocasiones la verdadera esencia de lo que nos rodea.
El sonido nos permite descubrir los pequeños detalles.
En este trabajo, realizado a través de Francia durante los años 2012 y 2013, Chuse Fernandez nos muestra un paseo sonoro por diversos lugares de Francia, permitiendo al oyente descubrir espacios acústicos que están ahí, aunque en muchas ocasiones no los veamos.
L’ambiance sonore est la partie oubliée de l’environnement.
L’image s’estompe et souvent nuit à l’essence même de ce qui nous entoure.
Le son nous permet de découvrir les petits détails.
Dans ce travail, mené par la France dans les années 2012 et 2013, Chuse Fernandez nous montre un son promenade à travers diverses parties de la France, ce qui permet à l’auditeur de découvrir des espaces acoustiques qui sont là, mais souvent nous ne voyons pas.
The soundscape is the forgotten part of the environment.
The image blurs and often detracts from the true essence of what surrounds us.
The sound allows us to discover the small details.
In this work, carried out by France in the years 2012 and 2013, Chuse Fernandez shows us a sound walk through various parts of France, allowing the listener to discover acoustic spaces that are there, but often we cannot see.