Category Archives: #43

Show 757: How it is by Max Höfler for Radio Helsinki


How it is

by Max Höfler for Radio Helsinki

How it is is deals with the tension between the description of a work and the work itself.

Produced by Max Höfler for Radio Helsinki, Graz – Austria

Max Höfler 
born in 1978, is a Graz, Austria, based author, sound artist, curator and part of the artist association Forum Stadtpark. He is the co-founder of the international literature network CROWD and studied German literature, philosophy and history of art and did his doctor degree on Post-Wittgensteinian aesthetics. Max Höfler is writing experimental texts, which are influenced by the avant-garde movements of the early 20th century.
For his books he was awarded several prizes and grants. Regularly international readings and performances (London, Peking, Berlin, Helsinki, Prag, etc) He is the publisher of the so-called screening literature magazine GLORY HOLE – messages from the other side.

Show 756: Passage Pending – various artists (Resonance FM)

One of seven events as part of “Suspensions: London->Manchester,” “Passage” was a live transmission on Resonance Extra from a moving train between London Euston and Manchester Piccadilly, on 5 September 2019, co-curated by Agata Kik and Ania Mokrzycka (Irruptive Chora), David Rousell (Biosocial Lab, Manchester Metropolitan University) and Catharine Cary (Royal College of Art/SenseLab). The concept for this broadcast was “moving from one place to another, changing in one way or another, moving through, across, under, between, allowing oneself to be moved.” Joined by artists Jasper Llewellyn, Andre Fogliano, Nicola Tirrabasso, John Hardy, Erik Lintunen and Cole Robertson, on this journey the curators were attuned to what the philosopher Erin Manning has called “Minor Movements.” The broadcast audio, featuring contributions from all the aforementioned, was cut up and moved about by Ed Baxter on 6 September 2019 for this Radia transmission. The live broadcast producer and on air announcer was Michael Umney.

One of seven events as part of “Suspensions: London->Manchester,” “Passage” was a live transmission on Resonance Extra from a moving train between London Euston and Manchester Piccadilly, on 5 September 2019, co-curated by Agata Kik and Ania Mokrzycka (Irruptive Chora), David Rousell (Biosocial Lab, Manchester Metropolitan University) and Catharine Cary (Royal College of Art/SenseLab). The concept for this broadcast was “moving from one place to another, changing in one way or another, moving through, across, under, between, allowing oneself to be moved.” Joined by artists Jasper Llewellyn, Andre Fogliano, Nicola Tirrabasso, John Hardy, Erik Lintunen and Cole Robertson, on this journey the curators were attuned to what the philosopher Erin Manning has called “Minor Movements.” The broadcast audio, featuring contributions from all the aforementioned, was cut up and moved about by Ed Baxter on 6 September 2019 for this Radia transmission. The live broadcast producer and on air announcer was Michael Umney.

Show 755: A night in Letea by Toni Dimitrov (for Kanal 103)

At the end of Jun of 2019, a group of sound artists went on a 2 weeks trip to the distant village of Letea, at the Danube delta in Romania. The purpose was to records field recordings and soundscapes of this remote place and experiment with them. After a flight, a long trip with bus and a trip with a boat, we put our stuff at a back of a truck and head towards Letea on a sandy and bumpy road. There was nothing much in this place except vast wetlands, frogs, lots of mosquitos and of course sounds. Lots of sounds. Exactly what we needed for our purpose there. The days were very hot and humid, but also quiet, and not much interesting sound wise. Opposite to this, the nights were full of mosquitos, but also noise that was appearing immediately after the sunset. The complete darkness full of stars was perfect for recordings these soundscapes. The forest, the wild horses, frogs, mosquitos, the boat trips, the Lipovean babushkas and the rich quietness of the Danube Delta were the true leitmotif of our stay there.

At one point at the end of our stay we also did 24 hours open channel at LOCUS SONUS, preceded by a live radio show, presenting stories and glamorous raw recordings in a broadcast from our beautiful traditional wood house. We opened the microphones installed on the straw roof, on the South border of the village, by a small and charming channel of the Danube, full of wildlife positively expressive at that time of the night and day, for the listeners to dive into. This is a small part of what we were listening to those days at Letea.

Recorded and produced by Toni Dimitrov during Sonic Future Residencies in Danube Delta, 2019, organised by

Show 754: Arquivodu by Nuno Pinto and the Hypnotists (Radio Zero)

“The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid” once said  G. K. Chesterton. Language can be described often both as “flower of the mouth” or a deadly virus, evil and menacing. As it stutters through an array of physical and material manifestations, sooner or later, it will sweetly or not progressively enact a strong invisble poison which lays and sediments not only on meaning as on secretions: saliva spit burp, they leave a trace on the air, they come through it. James 3.10: “From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.” If you run across an archive of a recorded voice, and indulge in remaining there for a while, you come to believe the traces, the dejects, the excreta, are not actually a bag of meaningful prayers but a sort of deranged anisotropic which possess you in the end.
As Michaux put it clearly: “One of the things you can do: exorcism.” 

Nuno Pinto é performer , actor, músico patafisico e afins. O seu trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a voz e a linguagem. Esbatem se as fronteiras entre linguagem enquanto expressão de presença e linguagem enquanto material de fala prefabricado. A voz é tratada segundo padrões formais musicais ou arquitectónicos – repetição, distorção, sobreposição, ruído, grito – para uma música de várias línguas, transformando o acto da fala em acontecimento, em situação, em corpo falante. “

The Hypnotists, formerly known as the “Tropical Eskimos”, “Burning Theremins” or even DJ Banzé for afro matinees south of Atlas, developed a passion for conceiving and transmitting radio shows on extreme landscapes. As a collective, which never actually met, they engaged on nomad farming but taking each weekend to devise short wave antennas for the needy, plant old radios on backyards and nearby woods. They also work as ghost-writers for motivational and self help books of several sound artists.

show 754 was demixed and produced by Paulo Raposo. plus castagnets.

Show 753: Space Audacity by Soundart Radio

As radio programmes can time travel, this show comes from Radiocamp, Bodensee, in the year 3019.
The inclusive, intergalactic nature of the camp is expressed through the many languages, human and otherwise, that tell this story.

Created by Haya Al Sawaf, Henning Luetje, Lara Possler, Lars Schmitz, Lerato Phiri, Loic Rodrigues, Luca Piparo, Luuk, Max, Reyhan Mutlu, Silke Bauer, Susanne Bayer at Radiocamp. Produced by Lucinda Guy at Soundart Radio.

Show 752: MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS by BNA-BBOT for Radio Campus Bruxelles

In the spring of 2018, the temporary lesbian bar Mothers & Daughters opened in Brussels. This opening brought together a community in deficit. In deficit of place, of celebration and of collective rituals. In the wake of this event whose near disappearance made its presence all more precious, Severine Irène V. Janssen X BNA-BBOT recorded testimonies, conversations and sounds. These recordings took place in the bar and outside the bar and resulted in this radiophonic piece.

BNA-BBOT isa Brussels-based organisation dedicated to the past, present and future sound memory of Brussels. Since 2000, BNA-BBOT generates a history and memory of the city through the stories and memories of its inhabitants. We’ve compiled closed to 20.000 items of sound data – witness accounts, snippets of conversations, monologues, songs, soundscapes and raw sounds – that form the history of the city. A kind of documentative experience over a very long course, which is not only intended to capture the voices and sounds that pass, but to also create multiple forms that can be heard and returned to the city. All this, in order to have the city actively rework its living memory, and the memory – both present and future – constantly reworked by the city.

Séverine Irène V. Janssen lives and works in Brussels. She studied philosophy but her passion for the way in which history is conceived, written, commented and transmitted, as well as her interest in memory as a political and aesthetic subject led her to take on coordination for BNA-BBOT in 2009.

Credits music :

Make Your Dreams TelevisionPlanète Concrète

Küss Mich Wund – Planète Concrète

Tropical vibration – Planète Concrète

What I WouldMC Mustaj


Production : BNA-BBOT, 2019

(Curated by Carine Demange & Radio Campus Bruxelles for Radia network)

Show 751: Frog in Wild (Radio Grenouille – Euphonia)

De quel surface sommes-nous ?

Vers quel paysage nous projeter ?

Quels mots pour décrire l’extérieur ?

Des questions qui nous traversent. Une réflexion en chemin qui s’écoute ici. Par des instants captés au cours de différents projets portés par Radio Grenouille – Euphonia : Ateliers radiophoniques, enquête ethnographique, émissions, essais et  expérimentations.

La voix dans le paysage, les plantes qui poussent à nos pieds, les profondeurs sous-marines et l’avion qui passe…

** Situation des extraits :

La Martre : captations pour le Parc Régional du Verdon / Radio Blini – Workshop à l’Ecole d’Art et de Design Marseille-Méditerranée / La nature en ville : émission des étudiants en Master Environnement, Aix Marseille Université / Herbier sonore de la Friche Belle de Mai : Par ailleurs paysage / Ateliers radiophoniques : Swag FM – Fos sur Mer / Accorderie de Brignoles / Lo Paisan : les élèves de l’école de Correns / Test d’immersion dans la fontaine de Barjols pour une promenade sonore de Christophe Modica

Réalisation : Jean-Baptiste Imbert


Frog in Wild

What surface are we from ?
What kind of landscape are we looking at ?
What words to describe the exterior ?

Questions that run through us.
A reflection on the road that can be heard here.
By moments captured during various projects carried out by
Radio Grenouille – Euphonia :
Radio workshops, ethnographic surveys, broadcasts, tests and experiments.

The voice in the landscape, the plants growing at our feet, the underwater depths and the passing plane…

** Status of extracts:

  • La Martre : captations pour le Parc Régional du Verdon
  • Radio Blini – Workshop à l’Ecole d’Art et de Design Marseille-Méditerranée
  • La nature en ville : émission des étudiants en Master Environnement, Aix Marseille Université
  • Herbier sonore de la Friche Belle de Mai : Par ailleurs paysage
  • Ateliers radiophoniques : Swag FM – Fos sur Mer
    Accorderie de Brignoles
  • Lo Paisan : les élèves de l’école de Correns
  • Test d’immersion dans la fontaine de Barjols pour une promenade sonore de Christophe Modica

Réalisation : Jean-Baptiste Imbert