Category Archives: #31

Show 454: Wind Walk Radio by Karl-Heinz Jeron for

Wind Walk Radio by Karl-Heinz Jeron for, Berlin

“I give guided tours through wind parks to discover the versatile and interesting sounds. Some residents living near wind parks complain regularly about the noise. The philosopher Kant let a raucous cock end as a soup ingredient. John Cage suggested an alternative: “If noise is bothering you, listen to it.”

This project is taking John Cage literally.
In a wind park the first acoustic impression is only a buzz or a hum tone. Listening closer one can identify a surprising array of sounds and acoustic colours.”
There will be tours in 2014 near Berlin. More information is available at wind (at)

Show 453: radioCona: Protests in Slovenia 2012-2013 by Radio Student

podcast produced for radioCona and CoLaboRadio, Berlin,

materials used:[i] various individual field recordings from various video YouTube sources

Slovenians Demand Radical Change

During the closing months of 2012, Slovenia has seen a series of mass popular protests. Thirty thousand demonstrators gathered on November 17 for the first protest, organised by trade unions, students, and organisations of retired people and artists. Dozens of protests followed, large
and small, taking place in virtually all of the urban settlements of Slovenia, often organized spontaneously through Facebook and other social media.

radioCona Temporary Project Radio For Contemporary Arts

Art project radioCona (by Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman) first broadcasted on january 1st, 2008. Till present nine FM and internet broadcasts with series of sound art, radio art, discursive projects, thematic discussions and lectures were produced. radioCona appeared and exhibited in Modern Gallery Ljubljana, City Gallery Ljubljana, transmediale.11, RAM LIVE, among others.

Show 452: Talking Sounds by Hans Schüttler (Wave Farm/WGXC)

Hans Schüttler

German composer Hans Schüttler creates live radio dramas, and was recently in New York City for a workshop and performance at Harvestworks as part of 2013 New York Electronic Art Festival. Hans Tammen from Harvestworks put together this audio tour of Schüttler’s work. It includes excerpts of “Death of an Underwater Diver” and others. This show was produced for Wave Farm‘s WGXC in New York.

Hans Schüttler produces radio dramas for German public radio WDR, DeutschlandRadio Berlin, NDR, and others. He has produced radio dramas for writers such as Günther Eich and Vladimir Grossman, but also his own productions in various genres. As an audio artist he also created works for theater productions and audio books. Schüttler studied piano with Nicolai Posnjakow, and currently teaches at the Universities of Kassel, Rostock and Halle. As a pianist and composer he worked together with a wide range of artists such as Manos Tsangaris, Dieter Schnebel, Barry Guy, Dror Feiler, Anthony Braxton, Howard Johnson, Jay Oliver, Jimmy Carl Black, Dangaa Khosbayar Hosoo, Ge Suk Yeo, Kuyn Dong Yeo.
Download an mp3 of the show here.

Show 451: Radia Línea 33. On strike for a job. (TEA FM)

153 conductores despedidos en los Autobuses Urbanos de Zaragoza y 223 de la empresa que los carrozaba, son las consecuencias de la concesión del transporte urbano por parte del ayuntamiento de esta ciudad a la empresa mexicana A.D.O.
Más de 45 días de Huelga están haciendo la movilidad en la capital del Ebro algo realmente problemático, aun así la solidaridad entre huelguistas y usuarios se respira día a día!!

Recogemos en esta ocasión los sonidos de la protesta, sus explosiones sus cánticos, sus reivindicaciones. No hay palabras solo sonidos y ambientes. Sin decir nada, se entiende todo.

Programa especial de Linea 33 para RADIA. Un espacio de TEA FM dirigido por Santi Ric, donde descubrimos opiniones de dentro y de fuera de los medios de transportes públicos. Debates, ideas, comentarios de los que trabajan, sufren y disfrutan de buses, taxis, metros….o simplemente situaciones que transcurren en esos espacios…
Con una cuidada selección musical, en la que las letras se convierten en contenidos.

Un programa construido con audios capturados por Santi Ric.
Hasta la victoria siempre… y más allá!!!
Podcast LINEA 33

Dismissed 153 city buses drivers and 223 of the company that set up them, are the consequences of the urban transport grant by the municipality of the city of Zaragoza to the Mexican company ADO.

Over 45 days of strike are making Ebro capital mobility in something really problematic, yet the solidarity between strikers and users daily breathe!
We have collected the sounds of the protest, their bangs, their songs, their claims. No words, just sounds and environments. Without saying anything, we can understand everything.

A “Línea 33” special program for RADIA. A TEA FM broadcast conducted by Santi Ric, where we can discover views from inside and outside of the public transportation.
Discussions, ideas, comments of those who work, suffer and enjoy buses, taxis, subway….
Or just situations that occur in these spaces…
With a careful music selection, in which the lyrics become content.

A radio broadcast built with audios captured by Santi Ric.
Always fighting for the victory … and beyond !

Show 450: The Death of the Authors (Radio Panik)

The Death of the Authors, James Joyce & Virginia Woolf & Their Return to Life in Four Seasons.

Every year on New Year’s Day, due to the expiration of copyright protection terms on works produced by authors who died seven decades earlier, thousands of works enter the public domain – that is, their content is no longer owned or controlled by anyone, but it rather becomes a common treasure, available for anyone to freely use for any purpose.

This is a radio reading of a few pages of The Death of the Authors, James Joyce & Virginia Woolf & Their Return to Life in Four Seasons (a Constant remix). The Death of the Authors is a generative novel made with Python and nltk, based on texts by Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Rabindranath Tagore, Elizabeth Von Arnim, Sherwood Anderson and Henri Bergson, some of the authors we welcomed on 1-1-12.

The selection of the texts used for this publication is very much influenced by the availability of works online. Famous authors are easy to find, English works and translations are often available as free e-books, thanks to an initiative such as The Gutenberg Project.

This publication was the first in a series. By creating a new work every year on Public Domain Day, Constant wants to give an incentive in making public works electronically available and rediscovering them.

Voices :

Spring : Peter Westenberg

Summer : Clémentine Delahaut

Autumn : Milady Renoir

Winter : An Mertens

Recording and editing : Pierre De Jaeger

More info :

Show 449: Rosarats Barrel by Dr Klangendum (Radio WORM)

Rosarats Barrel   27.57″

by Dr klangendum  for Worm/Radia

special guest; Xentos ‘Fray’ Bentos

In 1929 Jaromir Vejvoda wrote the ‘Modranska Polka’, named after Modrany, s suburb of Prague where it was played the first time. Since then the song has been played all over the world by people from all countries & languages. The english might know it under the name of ‘Beer Barrel polka’, the german version goes by the name of ‘Rosamunde’. Allthough the melody is always the same -and even the versions don’t differ so much- the lyrics go in all directions. The czech version was a very depressed one about a wasted love (skoda lasky etc.) while the anglosaxons only want to make fun and drink (see the beer barrels). In the meantime, the germans want to get under the skirts of a girl named Rosamunde while the dutch think the song is actually about soldier’s food (rats kuch en bonen).

The reason Dr Klangendum made this piece about a piece is that the song hasn’t left his brain since he was three and heard it for the first time at the wedding of his uncle and aunt. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night, humming the chorus. Sometimes he runs the marathon for kilometers and kilometers in the tempo of the first part of the song (there’s a garden, what a garden).  Sometimes he wants to jump of a cliff, just to get rid of it. Making the piece was the next best thing to do. He hopes you enjoy it and will be contaminated.

Dr Klangendum

Show 448: A story of resistence in contemporary Turkey by Anastasia Green (Radio Orange)

Istanbul, Sisli.
At the end of january 2013 the boss of the Kazova textile factory in Istanbul told his Workers, that they should leave their place. At first they were told that this was just for an vacation, but soon they learned, that they actually didn´t have a working contract anymore. The workers startet to resist.
And they startet to produce again as an cooperative
An acoustic impression of the restistence of Kazova Textil workers.

Show 446: CFRC Radio – Free Yogurt

In this episode, a chance sidewalk encounter creates an awkward transaction leading to a meditation on the meaning of freedom within 21st-century consumer culture.  Mix equal parts soundwalk, slam poetry, synthesizers; shake in some urban decay and add a healthy dollop of complimentary strawberry yogurt; stir and serve. This episode was produced in Kingston, Ontario, Canada by CFRC’s K.L. Sealegs. Special thanks to Scott Stevens and David Parker.