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Show 0913: Shentov, Simitchiev, Lukanov – Live in Skopje (Kanal103)

The episode consists of an excerpt from the bootleg recording of Shentov, Simitchiev, Lukanov’s performance at the Museum Of Contemporary Art Skopje from July 2022. This was the second performance of the drone trio outside of their native Bulgaria (the first one was a day earlier at the Macedonian radio Kanal 103). The performance took place on the museum patio, with parts of Skopje and the sun setting behind the mountains. 

It was part of the Amek Collective & Kontingent Records label showcase organized by KRIK – festival of critical culture in Skopje.

Show 888: The Choir (Kanal 103)

The program documents the first ever performance of the first Inclusive City Choir, founded by Trisomie 21 – Association for Support of People with Down Syndrome and created in collaboration and mentorship of the Kolektiv Veternica. It took place in Skopje’s City Walls residential area, on 22.10.2021.

Mario, Stefan, Ena, Matej, Filip, Ilina, Oli, Niki, Beti, Dare and Kosta are performing famous Macedonian folk and pop songs. 

At one point a neighbor yells from a balcony: “Stop it, you are disturbing! Go to the National TV to do this.” 

Hopefully, one day, they will.

Recorded and edited by Gjorgji Janevski

Photo by Jelena Belikj

Show 881: sometimes i feel like i have no friends by Claire Rousay (WORM)

This piece is loosely based on the live performance Claire Rousay did at WORM.  Many of the same texts, samples, and forms were used in both the live and recorded versions of this piece. The recorded version, which is being broadcasted, features synthesizers, guitars, and field recordings that the live performance did not. This is due to the abundant resources the studio at WORM has. Thematically, the composition revolves around the idea of friendship, what makes it good/bad/valid.
Claire Rousay is based in San Antonio, Texas. Her music zeroes in on personal emotions and the minutiae of everyday life – voicemails, haptics, environmental recordings, stopwatches, whispers and conversations – exploring and maybe “exploding” their significance. Stylistically Rousay draws on domestic musique concrete, voice recordings, percussion and multi-instrumentalism. She has built up an extensive body of work in a relatively short time, proving herself to be a most intruiguing contemporary sound artist. WORM is delighted to welcome her for a residency and a gig.

Claire Rousay (BMI) – electronics, field recordings, guitar, 
synthesizer, voice.
Emily Harper Scott (BMI)  – piano.
youtube samples from – Defying Odds Donnelly, CAMELOT331.
Produced @ Worm, november 2021

Show 877: RADIOPOST(e) (Radio ARA)

Formed in Autumn 2020 RADIOM(e) is a network of radio artists from the Greater Region which is comprised of Luxembourg and the surrounding regions of France, Belgium and Germany. Throughout 2021 the artists from the network sent each other audio postcards from their local area and beyond. Their radio post was revisited by Natalie Rubchenko for this Radia episode. For more information on the artist network, please visit

Show 858: Toxic Temple by Anna Lerchbaumer and Kilian Jörg (Ö1 Kunstradio, guest slot)

Depleted soil, over-asi: dic seas, polluted atmospheres.
People are haunted by what they have suppressed. They can no longer escape the toxic.

In their long-term art project “Toxic Temple”, Anna Lerchbaumer and Kilian Jörg, approach the beauty of oil streaks, the grandeur of techno scrap, the sublimeness of radioactivity and the tran: scen: dence of extinction.

Building on their previous research for their project “Toxic Temple”, the two young artists acoustically and poetically explore the connections between spiritu: ality and tox: isi: ty.
Toxic Temple by Anna Lerchbaumer and Kilian Jörg

The piece in its whole length can be heard on

Show 806: Waiting for PPE (guest slot)


A Grandmother marvels despite the virus she is able to continue gardening
as she has always done and the birds will always keep singing.
She listens to the distance sounds now.
Isolated voices of people, a child next door.
A fly.
The garden is a sanctuary, vibrant of living and growing, death is not
Occasionally she hears planes overhead, she wonders if they bring PPE.
A long away siren.
A conversation with a passing man, who tells her a women with the same name
as her own was buried this week.
Purerehua the roaring hovering stirs the final lament and farewell.

This show is placed on a guest-slot. Presented by 106.1 FM.

Show 750: enttäuschungen (disappointments) (Guest Slot: Radiofabrik)

by Peter Haas for Radiofabrik

Well – expectations of radio (seeing something?) and expectations of the arts (something beautiful?) and disappointments, respectively: such tight packages of overlays (the findings and the collected flotsam) so that it’s not that easy anymore….

But always those voices and these sounds and then something’s saying something….

From times when it was hard for an amateur to tinker with good mixtapes, an addiction salvaged into times where they’re easy to make, but hard to curb….

Peter Haas is an amateur in many fields

Fallen into this transmission where the voices of Ivor Cutler, Sabine Gizelt, Birgit Sattlecker, Richard Tuttle, forced entertainment, Johan Simons, Robert Gernhardt, Erik Hable, Meese, Hillary Clinton, my own, and so on.

Music by Ivor Cutler, Clemens Band Denk, Karine Polwart, 8orror, FSK, Robert Wyatt, The International Nothing, and so on.

With support by Peter Wetzelsberger, A, Didi Neidhart, Hans Pollhammer.

Missing (but maybe next time): Thomas Hirschorn, Gerhard Spring, Endo Anaconda, Ed and you.

Show 641: 60 Second Radio International contest (Guestslot)

Radia opens its network to the 60 Second Radio International contest and broadcasting project and showcases a few of the artists and laureates who participated in the 2017 edition of this annual radio art event. Since the inception of the contest in 2015, more than 200 artists from 40 countries have submitted their works. They all have a passion for radio and sound art, and chose to tell us so in a succession of 60 second short radio capsules. They have been rewarded in 2017 by Phonurgia Nova in France, Québec University’s School of Media and the National Campus and Community Radio Association of Canada. Hosted by Boris Chassagne.

Bonjour. Aujourd’hui Radia place sur écoute quelques-uns des artistes et lauréats de l’édition 2017 du concours international de création radiophonique, 60 Secondes Radio. La consigne est simple, une idée, un son en 60 secondes précises. Une création radiophonique sur le thème de son choix. Depuis 2015, plus de 200 artistes de 40 pays ont répondu à l’invitation de ce concours multilingue. Ils ont cette année été récompensés par les partenaires de 60 Secondes Radio soit, Phonurgia Nova en France, l’École des Médias de l’Université du Québec à Montréal et l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires du Canada. Présenté par Boris Chassagne.

Vous entendrez / You will hear : Molecule (Constantin Katsiris), A Stockholm (Ghislain Gabrelle), Bankok Express (Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras), La Pensée (Florine Mougel), No Son (Michaël Filler), Boats (Dianne Ballon), Mes vêtements dans la forêt (Daniel-Martin Borret), Mr. Morse (Bastien Lambert), Moose FM (Darren Copeland), Pour me rejoindre (Sébastien Anadon, Amandine Fischer), Minut (Domingo Chinchilla), Oblik Grada (Ivana Pejic), Minecraft (Jean Jérôme), The Gift-Le Cadeau (Fabienne Guedy), Le cireur de Tunis (Laure Carrier), Pied Nus (Catherine Konate), Outgribe (James Andean), Des vieux poissons (Eva Gonzales), Good News (Juan Villaba), C’est bien assez (Anne-Line Drocourt), Qu’y a-t-il de plus profond qu’une guerre au centre du monde? (Kaïl Vezza), Somos o No Somos (Franco Falistoco), Bonne chance (Demian Rudel Rey), Putita de Dios (Hernan Giurastante), Lux (Niki Matita), Das Team (Nils Mosh), Call Your Mother (Mitchell Johnson), Effacement (Anne Lepère), and In Apnea (La Cosa Preziosa (Susanna Caprara)).


Web : / www.60secondradio.ca
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Show 636: Farewell Prayer for one Galiola by Arsenije Jovanovic for Ö1 Kunstradio

Ö1 Kunstradio – the weekly radio art program of the Austrian National Public Radio ORF) presents “Farewell Prayer for one Galiola” by Arsenije Jovanovic. (

Galiola is the lighthouse at North of Adriatic on a small desert rocky island, far from the mainland, with no inhabitants except thousands of seagulls and lizards, where from time to time I use to spend a day or a night, sometimes longer, often all by myself, years and years while I was sailing around with my boat also named ”Galiola”. As the time went on – this little island and the lighthouse tower became less and less real, both became more my fiction and my obsession than the real thing and started to be a metaphor for all my travels and voyages, the name and an icon on nautical chart more than a real thing. So I am not able any more to explain exactly what Galiola is after all.

Exactly is not the word I like anyway. I always enjoyed reading nautical charts and old pilot books, admiring the names of islands and headlands, trying to understand how these beautiful names were created in deep past, more sublime sometimes than the name we are giving to our own children. In the piece „Farewell Prayer for one Galiola“ a choir sings these names like a prayer. A dreamy story dedicated to the little island and its lighthouse, tall thin tower like the stem of the flower looking to the sky.

Arsenije Jovanović

Arsenije Jovanović (Belgrade 1932)

Author, director and producer of works for theater, radio and television, writer of three books, photographer, occasionally theatre set and TV designer, retired university professor (FDU), directed about eighty theatre spectacles in ex/Yugoslavia, England, Bulgaria and USA., director of over 100 television productions, dramas, short films, TV series, experimental works etc., directed a hundred of radio plays, author of many original radiophonique works and electro-acoustic compositions commissioned by Radio Belgrade, ORF (Kunstradio), Radio France, RAI, WDR, SFB, Spanish national radio, New American Radio, Deutschlandradio, SWR, Finish radio, ABC (Australia) co-initiator of sound-art workshops at ORF (Kunstradio), Faeroe Island, Technical Universality in Sydney, Helsinki, Copenhagen, one of the composers for Terrence Malick’s films “The Thin Red Line”, ”Tree of Life”, ”To the Wonder”, “Knight of Cups”, ”Song to Songs” and soon coming ”Radegund”.