2015 I had the opportunity to visit Bosch researching field the first time and the amazing Platform12. This is a new planet, a freer place for creation under strickt circumstances of a huge factory as Bosch. My idea was to connect this organism through the first layer, the skin: the text. To research all the written communication and the unique Bosch-language with codes, secrets and word-creations. I was also very curious about how this organism functions, how we receive the language, so to sum up: HOD DOES BOSCH SOUND? During my stay I sat on a bagger, watched a controled a mower, and amazing robots and machines, and tried to communicate them, collect their sounds and compose with them – using their and also mine secret language. In my understanding text also has a body (it is a body itself), so I worked also with the shapes and important lines, contours as part of this language. The result came in a book by Parasitenpresse with the titel “Wir bauen eine Stadt” in graphics, poems, sounds and also performances with Normal Gergely sound and visual artist and also in this text-sound-composition with poems, codes the sounds of Bosch-machines and my reactions to it. After Jena and Stuttgart 20. and 28. March 2019 I’m going to present the project in Graz, in the off-gallery Griesgasse 31.
All posts by hoemax
Show 705: “Meanderings. Acoustic Measurings of the City.” (Radio Helsinki)
“Mäanderungen – Akustische Vermessungen der Stadt”
“Meanderings. Acoustic Measurings of the City.”
By and with Nayarí Castillo, Reni Hofmüller, Miriam Raggam, Hanns Holger Rutz for Radio Helsinki, Graz
The city is the place where we live. The design of the city seems to pretend who is moving in it. “Meandering” is an acoustic suggestion to develop other forms, in real physical space as well as in the imagination.
Part of the material production is based on the interpretation of different spatial realities such as facades or columns. They are photographed, signed, recorded by means of sensors or by pressure and processed with text fragments into a composition that manifests itself both as a radio-listening piece and in the form of a spatial installation.
“Developing and allowing for an exploratory process that corresponds to one’s own, peculiar, subjective, just-happening, use-free, exploratory walking, being, moving in the city, and making that audible. Admitting idiosyncratic ways of urban space viewing, introducing unusual measurement units that apply briefly, and then no longer allow themselves to be distracted, and instantly recognize that distracting is only possible if there was a focus beforehand.
Achieving a state of de-optimization, circumventing the notion of efficiency, allowing moments of losing and losing, enabling a degeneration, a noise, a simultaneity of different realities, a series of condensations, a finding and losing, a series of instructions – for senders and receivers, translations of the visual, from tactile to sonic – with human language and metaphor, and with technical language – software, polyrhythms and polyphony, perception of time, the actors perceive as time units, 11 drops, speed / and rhythm, of facades, of own walking, of water, Imaginary Landscapes create and chaotic numbering, bring about collisions and understand the (own) body as a surveying device and use, lying on the sidewalk and hear the channel grille laugh, visible and invisible and the Change color.
From this we can develop ideas for a generator, a machine that is fed with all these materials and produces a variation or variations of a radio play. ”
(Introduction from the score to meanderings)
lime_lab | Installation
Mäanderungen – Akustische Vermessungen der Stadt
“Meanderings. Acoustic Measurings of the City.”
23.9.–14.10. im Reagenz, Morellenfeldgasse 11, 8010 Graz
Eröffnung/Opening: So, 23.9., 12.00 Uhr
Do–Sa 14:00–19:00, So 12:00–16:00
Eintritt frei
Show 702: “Tractatus illogico-insanus” by Mark Kanak (Radio Helsinki)
“Tractatus illogico-insanus” is a mixture of parody (of Wittgenstein’s famous „Tractatus logico-philosophicus“ which he wrote exactly 100 years ago in the summer of 1918), also influenced by Walter Serner’s “Last Loosening” and Hermann Burger’s own “Tractatus logico-suicidalis”. In short, it’s the author’s musing on the surveillance state – a situation that is at once absurd, manic and cutting, inherently illogical— wherein all participants acquiesce to being monitored, spied on, surveilled—and in the end, do nothing. In this tractatus, the author is travelling through a night time soundscape where the “Program” is always running, everything is being watched on the hiding everywhere—even in your own head.
In short: the limits of the surveillance state are the limits of our world.
Based on the book “Tractatus illogico-insanus”, upcoming early 2019, Ritter Verlag, Klagenfurt (AT). Full German and full English version.
By Mark Kanak
Listen to the show here: Link
Show 674: Speeches by Kinga Tóth, Opcion, Patrick Wurzwallner and Max Höfler (Radio Helsinki)
by Kinga Tóth, Opcion, Patrick Wurzwallner and Max Höfler
1. The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.
‘he was born deaf and without the power of speech’
1.1. A person’s style of speaking.
‘she wouldn’t accept his correction of her speech’
2. A formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.
‘he gave a speech about the company’
2.1. A sequence of lines written for one character in a play.
‘Antony’s speech over Caesar’s body’
Old English sprǣc, sprēc, later spēc, of West Germanic origin: related to Dutch spraak, German Sprache, also to speak.
speech /spiːtʃ/
Opcion (electronics)
Kinga Tóth (vox, fx)
Max Höfler (vox, fx)
Patrick Wurzwallner (drums)
Show 644: Raggam & Schiller – 100717 (Radio Helsinki)
Johannes Raggam – FM – http://kaum.at/thet
Christian F. Schiller – FX – http://in-dust.org
100717 is a conceptual live improvisation with FM transmitters, FM recievers and electronics for the Radia network contribution from Radio Helsinki in Graz.
100717 plays with the medium radio itself. FM transmitters and radio receivers are connected together and brought into a self oscillating feedback loop. This sound is supported, modified and extended by live electronics software.
Show 589: OPCION/HERBST (Radio Helsinki)
OPCION/HERBST live at KLUB MOOZAK, Dez. 9th, 2015 (excerpts)
Opcion Herbst is is a an austrian multidiscipline sound artist activist from and Graz based Opcion in acts in Graz. the, often areas credited of simply as sound, Herbst. vision, Herbst space uses and Analog their Modular hybrid Synthesizer forms. and 1995 Effects. Since Beside Opcion his has solo been performances, producer Herbst of is various part brachial-atmospheric of electro the sound FS Massaker Trio structures and under the different Regolith pseudonyms. band.
Show 563: ‘At The Edge of the Emptiness of All Things’ by Dieter Sperl & Michael Fischer for Radio Helsinki
At The Edge of the Emptiness of All Things
For several years now, the saxophonist and instant composer Michael Fischer, founder and director of the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra, and the author and language-performance artist Dieter Sperl have been exploring poetical-musical auditory spaces in a freely improvised interplay of text, sound, and noise. In 2014, the two attempted for the first time an interaction between the feedback saxophone developed by Fischer and the lyrical-philosophical linguistic particles that Sperl extracted from his text-generating machine when the landscape ceases (http://www.hls-software.at/frame_sperl_en.html).
The feedback saxophone is an exclusively analog instrument: a microphone inside the saxophone connected to a speaker near the instrument serves as a tone generator that is modulated by the motion of the instrument’s keys and the musician’s voice. On the basis of resonance and overtone series, multilayered sound and noise sculptures arise. Besides the creation, ordering, and processing of material (attained and to be attained), a network of meanings connected to language and sound is produced, and convergences and divergences in space become audible and experienceable within the flow of time. Sperl, for his part, constantly generates poetic images, thoughts, and scenes, repeating them, abandoning them somewhere or other, taking them up again, and suddenly cutting them off, or he lets them oscillate in his oral space: paradoxes, platitudes, proverbs, idioms, and everyday wisdom are always located in their radius of action between construction and deconstruction, where the Now unfolds its full powers, flaring up for a moment just to disappear again in the next instant, as if they had never existed …
Fischer: “A meandering agent of reflection and creation, from the innermost to the outermost, from the outermost to the innermost … in the space between, the being of what is expressed, in a constant transformation of its appearance …; a field of probability formed from the linguistic metaphors of the texture of the sound/noise and the tonal texture of language.”
Sperl: “When we play together, I simply sit there and watch what is happening. I plan nothing and let everything happen.”
Translation by Geoffrey C. Howes
Show 538: Connect and let go – Reni Hofmüller (Radio Helsinki)
Connect and let go
Reni Hofmüller, 2015
Water molecules enter emphere connections among themselves, let go, connect again and let go… water also connects to a lot of other substances/elements. And lets go again.
And so, water can be huge, a river, a lake, an ocean, and also tiny, a drop, a particle of a cell. It can be peaceful and quiet, or wild, rough and destructive. It can connect with nutrients just the same as with poison. Some researchers assume that water has memory – which could explain homeopathy. Others dont call it memory because that would imply conciousness, but they speak of resonances. They explain the uniquness of each snowflake as a result of a combination of frequences that the water molecule was exposed to while freezing. In any case water sounds differently deqending on how much of it moves at the same time, and on which ground it moves, be that the creek bed, the bouncing rain drop, the junction of a river into a lake, the sound of the sea, or the cracking of melting ice in water, above or under ground.
For the Poolloop Festival Zürich 2015, Reni and Jogi Hofmüller went on a sound research trip through the water world of Zurich – inflows and drains, canal and dewatering systems, drinking water and sewage plant, usage of tab and bottled water, from the microscopically small segment of a rain puddle to the bubbling of the Limmat to the shallow waters of Zürichsee and into the air, where all water goes, attracted by the sun and then let go. Connect and let go.
Reni Hofmüller, Graz
DIY Künstlerin, Musikerin, Komponistin, Performerin, Organisatorin, Kuratorin und Aktivistin im Bereich (Neuer) Medien, Technologie, Feminismus und Politik, Beschäftigung mit Freier Software und Open Hardware, Installationen, Performances, Solo und kollektive Arbeiten. http://renitentia.mur.at/
Jogi Hofmüller, Graz
Lives and works in Graz/Austria. Currently working for mur.at Verein zur Förderung von Netzwerkkunst. Married to Reni Hofmüller. Cofounder of Radio Helsinki and mur.at. Member of 42 (artist group, media art). Running Plagiat and institut hofos together with Reni Hofmüller. Artistic work in different media. Freelance work as IT Consultant/Technician. Student of Computer Science at Graz University of Technology: October 2008 - present
Show 512: Die gestohlene Figur by elffriede.aufzeichnensysteme and Jörg Piringer (for Radio Helsinki)
die gestohlene figur (The Stolen Figure) (2015)
A voice, which becomes sexually indefinite, feeblish and apparently drained by alienation, faces up its situation in the form of an acoustic interior monologue. The shallows, which are represented by the voice, coagulate as a sound compilation of radio play clichés. Abrasively and bulky parts are combined with elegant atmospheric parts. The capitulation will win at the end. For now. To be continued…
More information about elffriede.aufzeichnensysteme and Jörg Piringer:
jörg piringer
geboren 1974. lebt in wien. ist mitglied des instituts für transakustische forschung und des gemüseorchesters. arbeitet in den lücken zwischen sprachkunst, musik, performance und poetischer software.
frei erfunden = künstlerische selbstformatierung als unabhängiges, un-diszipliniertes aufzeichnensystem; seit 2000 ausstellungen, veröffentlichungen, auftritte in literatur, bildender/medienkunst; inszeniert en masse entstehende, minimalistische tusche-feder-zeichnungen (auch als live-zeichnung) und stockend-sperrige kurz-dichtung (bruchstücke) als lesung, performance, lichtkunst, installation in kombination mit künstlerisch zweckentfremdeten, alten (büro)medien (schreibmaschinen, projektoren, diktaphonen etc.); definiert zeichnen / schreiben / aufnehmen in aufzeichnen als einheit und akt körperlicher präsenz / wahrnehmung. initiiert zusammenarbeiten im bereich performance und literatur. elffriede.aufzeichnensysteme ist v.a. nichts verpflichtet; zuletzt: schrei zum hummel. eine art buch (buch u. radiokunst), klever verlag wien 2013; kubine (ausstellung), alfred-kubin-haus zwickledt, 2014
intermediäre zusammenarbeiten von elffriede.aufzeichnensysteme und jörg piringer seit 2002: „die sprache der ticket-pinguine“ (mira-lobe-stipendium 2003), „the notebook of e.h.“ (extrapool / nl, hörspielpreis st. pölten, ö1 kunstradio, elevate-festival graz), lesungen und performances.
Show 488: Wie es vielleicht war by Nights im Bunker for Radio Helsinki
“Wie es vielleicht war” (“How it might have been”) by Nights im Bunker for Radio Helsinki, Graz – AT
“Nights im Bunker” is some sort of a mistery performance series that is performed once a month at the Forum Stadtpark – a place of production and presentation for contemporary art in Graz. “Wie es vielleicht war” (“How it might have been”) is a radio edit of different performances that the performers of Nights im Bunker did in the last two years.
Performers: Patrick Wurzwallner (drums), Arne Glöckner (guitar), Vera Hagemann (voice), Johannes Schrettle (text)