Last April 17th & 18th 2021, Jet fm organized the 4th edition of the 24h Radiophonic Creation Contest. A very simple proposition, open to everybody involved in radio and sound, which rules with two basic things: maximum ten minutes long and a constraint, and of course you got 24 hours to do the all thing. You could do it with a team or solo. Free forms. This year the constraint was “Machine Arrière” (i.e. backward machine but also stoping the way you do things and maybe trying another way). We receive something like 21 creations, all available here:,12934.html
and there:
For this special radia show please welcome four of them:
La Nuit Au Théâtre – Machine Arrière
Déserter C’est Créer – Augustes Mémoires, machine arrière
Spaghetti Bolognaise – Ressorts
Cervisiam Potantes ad Coetus de Felibus – EOS