ZUGUNRUHE (2016/reworked for Radia 2020)

Zugunruhe was originally conceived as an installation, a piece where the audience lies together on a large mattress and watches 27 stuffed birds fly in a large circle above their heads. A fiction soundcollage dealing with being lost, new horizons, too much clouds, magicians and birds on cruise control. For this reworked version, it is introduced by a nightly fieldrecording in Brussels. A single bird is singing, calling out into the night, confused and at the same time encouraged by street lights and city noises.
Voices: Tibo Vandenborre, Elise Pierre, Sam Lowyck, Igor Paszkiewicz
Extra music: Mi_les Davis
Amber Meulenijzer (°1994) lives and works in Brussels. As a visual artist with an audio background (RITCS Radio, 2016 | KASK Installation Art 2019), she mainly investigates the relationship between image/installation and sound. Where do decor and soundscape meet? What does the eye need in order to listen better? Beyond the silence.
Curated by Carine Demange for Radio Campus Bruxelles