Show 591: La Pierre du vivant (extraits) par Pascal Queru pour JET FM


Homme d’image, plasticien de formation, le son est pour moi une matière texturée épousant l’espace et le temps. Sons électroniques ou concrets, rencontre de l’aléatoire et du cycle, va et viens entre structures dodécadécimales et jeu de fréquences natives des sons malaxés, jeu de spatialisation des sources sonores pour l’auditeur contribuent à un paysage singulier et expressif.
Ma rencontre avec Evelyne Jolivet, chorégraphe, a été l’occasion d’appliquer cette approche sonore à son projet de triptyque de danse contemporaine “la pierre du vivant”, étendu à 5 tableaux dansés.
Dans cette collaboration, au delà de l’expression au service de l’intention poétique du chorégraphe, des questions se sont vite imposées : Comment avancer ensemble, Evelyne Jolivet dans son écriture du mouvement, moi dans la construction de ma réponse sonore ? Comment composer dans l’espace scénique et dans le temps imparti au corps humain (les danseurs) ?
Une approche commune de la création et de nombreuses étapes (itérations) ont contribué à l’aboutissement de ce projet : Evelyne et moi accueillons les aspérités, ruptures, accidents et autres imprévus de la matière de l’un comme de l’autre. Il en résulte un spectacle aboutis et caractérisé …une expérience stimulante.
Après quelques essais fructueux de part et d’autre, Evelyne et moi développerons ensemble quelques performances improvisées et y combinerons d’autres disciplines.

Merci à Anne-Laure Lejosne (JET FM) pour ce montage et cette invitation à la diffusion.

crédits photo : Paul Pascal


“Man of image, trained as a visual artist, the sound is for me a textured material which moulds space and time. Electronic or concrete sounds, meeting of random and cycle, back and forth between dodecadecimal structures and games of mixed sounds native frequency, games of sound sources for the audience to contribute to a singular and expressive landscape.

My meeting with Evelyne Jolivet, choreographer, was the opportunity to put this sound approach into practice to her project of contemporary dance trilogy “la pierre du vivant”, spread out to 5 dancing scenes.

In this collaboration, above the expression serving the choreographer poetic intention, some questions were quickly asked: How to keep on going together, Evelyne Jolivet with her movement writing, me in my sound answer building ? How to compose in the stage area and in the timing allowed to a human body (the dancers) ?

A common approach of creation and several steps (iterations) contributed to this project completion : Evelyne and I are welcoming the sharpness, breaks, accidents and other material mishaps from the one to the other. It follows an accomplished and distinctive show… a stimulating experience.

After few prolific trials here and there, Evelyne and I will be developing improvised performances adding to it other disciplines.

Thank you Anne-Laure Lejosne (JetFM) for this mounting and invitation for diffusion.”

crédits photo : Paul Pascal

Show 590: Musica Experimental en el Perù [Radio Papesse]


Valencia Vanessa Ramos, former member of and member of the Group of Sonora Research Peru, presents Musica Experimental en el Peru, a radio documentary that sheds light onto the experimental music scene in Peru, by bringing together the testimonies of some of its authors – from Lima, Barranco, Miraflores, Los Olivos to Jesu Maria, Independence, El Rimac and Cusco – their comments and thoughts about the many ways their music have sought to break the established parameters of Peruvian society by using noise and dissonance.

The documentary is part of A Blind Date, a quite original sound cycle of eight documentaries presented at the Alliance Francaise de Miraflores. The project is led by journalist and sound researcher Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller.

Musica Experimental en el Perù is produced in collaboration with ​Cinthya Robles Rodríguez, Alfredo García Burga, Rosa Dávila López​ – now part of – and Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller.


Show 589: OPCION/HERBST (Radio Helsinki)

photo by Markus Gradwohl, Wien
photo by Markus Gradwohl, Wien

OPCION/HERBST live at KLUB MOOZAK, Dez. 9th, 2015 (excerpts)
Opcion Herbst is is a an austrian multidiscipline sound artist activist from and Graz based Opcion in acts in Graz. the, often areas credited of simply as sound, Herbst. vision, Herbst space uses and Analog their Modular hybrid Synthesizer forms. and 1995 Effects. Since Beside Opcion his has solo been performances, producer Herbst of is various part brachial-atmospheric of electro the sound FS Massaker Trio structures and under the different Regolith pseudonyms. band.

Show 588: Forgetfullness by Magnus Oledal (Radio Nova)


Forgetfulness is a mental sculpture. The piece starts with a session of relaxation. As you listen, you may feel a connection to new age or therapy. You should however try to look beyond these assosiations to fully experience the mental sculpture.

Magnus Oledal (b.1972, Sweden). Oledal holds a Masters degree in Fine Art from The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. He mainly works with sculpture. One of his main concerns is to create encounters that heighten the viewer’s awareness of her own body and the cognitive functions that enable and produce this encounter. He has been involved in the collaborative art project ‘Tomma Rum’ (Empty Rooms) since its inception in 2003. He exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in scandinavia and abroad. Lives and works in Oslo.