Special: 3 JOURNEYS THROUGH RADIA, JOURNEY 2 by Etienne Noiseau

Kunstradio asked Etienne Noiseau from the crew of Radio Grenouille in Marseille for a selection of recent pieces from Radia. He replied with a three-show series that would include the best pieces (to his opinion) of all the Radia stations during the 2006-2007 period. With Floriane Pochon who is the presenter of the weekly Radia show on Radio Grenouille, they selected fourteen pieces, i.e. one piece per Radia station during the period.

Then Etienne selected one relevant excerpt per piece. He based his choice only on sound affinities and combined all the excerpts one another into three pieces so as to form “3 journeys through Radia”.


Second journey through the universe of Radia,
Possibly, as if seconds were numbered, on fingertips, experienced at first hand, eyes closed and mind open.

Second foray,
Possibly, as if we could serve our time at the table of contents, in the faintest glimmer of a vanishing vision,
Possibly, as if we could escape an organic prison out of a clinical vertigo.

Second exploration,
Possibly, as if the hours of dreams could become digital and leave their prints in the near future.

Second slide,
Possibly, as if slaves could only stand for chain reactions, keeping everything under numerical control,
Possibly, as if a magnetic cloud could break down the social climate, in a universal time, measured in emergency.

Second immersion, in a focused and suffocated crowd, unable to give even its word, and unable to commit to what could be only a war of toys.


PIECE: Lament for the London Olympic Site (show #114)
ARTIST: Stephen Cornford
GENRE: electroacoustic composition
RADIO: SounDart Radio, Dartington

PIECE: Gérard Clamart’s strange adventure (show #104)
ARTIST: Irvic D’Olivier
GENRE: radio drama
RADIO: Radio Campus, Brussels

PIECE: The Demonstration (show #78)
ARTIST: Anna Friz
GENRE: radio-art
RADIO: Free103point9, New York

PIECE: BriefVision (or PismoVidenie) (show #115)
ARTIST: Lale Rodgarkia-Dara
GENRE: Hörspiel
RADIO: Radio Orange, Wien